Noam A. Chomsky

Schriftenverzeichnis (Auswahl)

Chomsky, Noam 1955, Transformational analysis. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation).

Chomsky, Noam 1957, Syntactic structures. 's-Gravenhage: Mouton & Co (Jan. ling. ser. min., 4). dt.: Chomsky 1973[S].

Chomsky, Noam 1959, "A review of B.F. Skinner's Verbal Behaviour". Language 35:26-58. Abgedr.: Fodor & Katz (eds.) 1964:547-578.

Chomsky, Noam 1964, Current issues in linguistic theory. London etc.: Mouton (Jan. ling. ser. min., 38). Fodor & Katz (eds.) 1964:50-118.

Chomsky, Noam 1964, "The logical basis of linguistic theory". PICL 9:914-978 [978-1008 discussion]. Abgedr.: revidiert und expandiert als Chomsky 1964[C].

Chomsky, Noam 1965, Aspects of the theory of syntax. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press (Special Technical Report No. 11).

Chomsky, Noam 1966, Cartesian linguistics. New York & London: Harper & Row (Studies in Language, 1).

Chomsky, Noam 1966, Topics in the theory of generative grammar. The Hague: Mouton (Janua Linguarum, Series minor, 56).

Chomsky, Noam 1967, "The formal nature of language". Lenneberg 1967: 1ff[?]. Abgedr.: Chomsky 1972[L]: .

Chomsky, Noam 1968, Language and mind. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World. Enlarged edition: Chomsky 1972[L].

Chomsky, Noam 1969, Filosofia del linguaggio. Ricerche teoriche e storiche. Turin: Boringhieri (Saggi Linguistici, 3).

Chomsky, Noam 1969, L'analisi formale del linguaggio. Turin: Boringhieri (Saggi Linguistici, 1).

Chomsky, Noam 1969, "Linguistics and philosophy". Hook (ed.) 1969:51-94. Abgedr.: Chomsky 1972[L].

Chomsky, Noam 1970, "Deep structure, surface structure, and semantic interpretation". Hattori (Festschrift) 1970:52-91. Abgedr.: Chomsky 1972[S]:183-216; Steinberg & Jakobovits (eds.) 1971:183-216. Erstveröff.: Bloomington: IULC, no 51, 1969.

Chomsky, Noam 1970, La grammatica generativa trasformazionale. Turin: Boringhieri (Saggi Linguistici, 2).

Chomsky, Noam 1970, "Problems of explanation in linguistics". Borger & Cioffi (eds.) 1970, 425-451 [discussion: 452-470].

Chomsky, Noam 1970, "Remarks on nominalization". Jacobs & Rosenbaum (eds.) 1970:184-221. Erstveröff.: Bloomington, IULC, no 1, 1968.

Chomsky, Noam 1970, "Some observations on the problems of semantic analysis in natural languages". Greimas et al. (eds.) 1970:256-260.

Chomsky, Noam 1972, Language and mind. New York etc.: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Enlarged edition.

Chomsky, Noam 1972, "Some empirical issues in the theory of transformational grammar". Peters (ed.) 1972:63-130. Abgedr.: Chomsky 1972[S]:120-202. Erstveröff.: Bloomington: IULC, no 72, 1970.

Chomsky, Noam 1972, Studies on semantics in generative grammar. The Hague & Paris: Mouton (Jan. ling. ser. min., 107).

Chomsky, Noam 1973, "Conditions on transformations". Halle (Festschrift) 1973:232-286. Abgedr.: Chomsky 1977[E]:81-160. Erstveröff.: Bloomington: IULC, no 80, 1971.

Chomsky, Noam 1973, Strukturen der Syntax. The Hague & Paris: Mouton (Jan. ling. ser. min., 182).

Chomsky, Noam 1974, Introduction to `The logical structure of linguistic theory'. Trier: Linguistic Agency University at Trier (Reihe A, 36).

Chomsky, Noam 1974, Linguaggio e sistemi formali. Teorie e metodi della linguistica matematica da Carnap a Chomsky. Turin: Einaudi.

Chomsky, Noam 1974, Problems and mysteries in the study of human language. Trier: Linguistic Agency University at Trier (Reihe A, 52).

Chomsky, Noam 1975, La grammatica trasformazionale. Scritti espositivi. Turin: Boringhieri (Universale scientifica, 130).

Chomsky, Noam 1975, Perspectives of research into the physico-biological foundations of complex cognitive structures (from an intervention by Noam Chomsky at the Royaumont Center's planning session, Royaumont Abbey, October 13, 1975). Paris: Centre Royaumont.

Chomsky, Noam 1975, "Questions of form and interpretation". Austerlitz (ed.) 1975:159-196. Abgedr.: Linguistic Analysis 1, 1975:75-110; Chomsky 1977[E]:25-59.

Chomsky, Noam 1975, Reflections on language. New York: Pantheon Books.

Chomsky, Noam 1975, The logical structure of linguistic theory. New York & London: Plenum Press. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1985.

Chomsky, Noam 1976, "Conditions on rules of grammar". LAn 2:303-352. Abgedr.: Cole (ed.) 1976: ; Chomsky 1977[E]:163-210.

Chomsky, Noam 1976, "On the biological basis of language capacities". Lenneberg (Festschrift) 1976:1-24.

Chomsky, Noam 1976, "On the nature of language". Harnad et al. (eds.) 1976:46-57. Abgedr.: Chomsky 1977[E]:63-77.

Chomsky, Noam 1977, Dialogues avec Mitsou Ronat. Paris: Flammarion.

Chomsky, Noam 1977, Essays on form and interpretation. New York etc.: North-Holland (Studies in Linguistic Analysis).

Chomsky, Noam 1977, "On wh-movement". Culicover et al. (eds.) 1977:71-132.

Chomsky, Noam 1977, Saggi di fonologia. Turin: Boringhieri.

Chomsky, Noam 1979, "Human language and other semiotic systems". Semiotica 25:31-44.

Chomsky, Noam 1979, Language and responsibility. Based on conversations with Mitsou Ronat. New York: Pantheon Books; London: Harvester Press.

Chomsky, Noam 1979, Morphophonemics of Modern Hebrew. New York & London: Garland Publications.

Chomsky, Noam 1979, Théories du language, théories de l'apprentissage. Le débat entre Jean Piaget et Noam Chomsky. Paris: Editions du Seuil. Englisch: Chomsky 1980[L].

Chomsky, Noam 1980, Language and learning. The debate between Jean Piaget amd Noam Chomsky. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Französisch: Chomsky 1979[T].

Chomsky, Noam 1980, Rules and representations. Woodbridge Lectures delivered at Columbia University in November of 1978; Number 11. New York: Columbia University Press.

Chomsky, Noam 1981, Lectures on government and binding. Dordrecht: FORIS (Studies in Generative Grammar, 9).

Chomsky, Noam 1982, Language and the study of mind. Tokyo: Sansyusya.

Chomsky, Noam 1982, Some concepts and consequences of the theory of government and binding. Cambridge, Mass. & London: MIT Press (Linguistic Inquiry Monographs, 6).

Chomsky, Noam 1982, The generative enterprise. A discusion with Riny Huybregts and Henk van Riemsdijk. Dordrecht & Cinnaminson: Foris.

Chomsky, Noam 1983, Modular approaches to the study of the mind. San Diego, CA: California State University Press (Distinguished Graduate Research Lecture Series, 1).

Chomsky, Noam 1986, Barriers. Cambridge, Mass. & London: MIT Press (Linguistic Inquiry Monographs, 13).

Chomsky, Noam 1986, Knowledge of language. Its nature, origin, and use. New York etc.: Praeger (Convergence).

Chomsky, Noam 1986, Language and problems of knowledge. The Managua lectures. Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press (Current Studies in Linguistics Series, 16).

Chomsky, Noam 1995, The minimalist program. Cambridge, MA & London: MIT Press.

Chomsky, Noam 2000, "Minimalist inquiries: the framework." Martin, Roger A. & Michaels, David & Uriagereka, Juan (eds.), Step by step. Essays on minimalist syntax in honor of Howard Lasnik. Cambridge, MA etc.: MIT Press; 89-155.

Chomsky, Noam & Halle, Morris 1965, "Some controversial questions in phonological theory". JL 1:97-138. Abgedr.: Makkai (ed.) 1972:457-485.

Chomsky, Noam & Halle, Morris 1968, The sound pattern of English. New York & London: Harper & Row.

Chomsky, Noam & Katz, Jerrold J. 1974, On innateness. A reply to Cooper. Trier: Linguistic Agency University at Trier, 12.

Chomsky, Noam & Lasnik, Howard 1977, "Filters and control". LIn 8:425-504.

Chomsky, Noam & Lasnik, Howard 1993, "The theory of principles and parameters." Jacobs, Joachim & Stechow, Arnim von & Sternefeld, Wolfgang & Vennemann, Theo (eds.), Syntax. Ein internationales Handbuch zeitgenössischer Forschung. 1. Halbband. Berlin: W. de Gruyter (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 9.1); I:506-569.