Functional domains of language
functional domainmain areas
substantive notions, denominationnominal classification, proper names, relationality (kinship), formation and modification of substantive notions
quantification, measure, orderplurality, counting, non-numeral quantification, measurement and collection
referenceindividuation, anchorage (incl. deixis), endophora (incl. reference tracking, determination)
possessionpossession in reference, possessive predication, possession and participation, past and future possession
predicationexistence and presentation, identification, categorization, characterization (property, comparison), state, change of category/property/state; secondary predication
participationactor and control (causation, actor demotion), undergoer and affectedness (applicative constructions, introversion), indirectus, desideration, experience, peripheral roles
design of situationsholistic vs. analytic representation (ideophones, verb series), temporal design of situations (time stability, telicity, phases of a situation), quality and quantity of situation core (manner, intensification, gradation)
spaceposition and posture (incl. spatial and gestalt properties of objects), motion, reference points, spatial regions, local relations
timemoment and span, absolute time, temporal relation
modalityobligation, volition, possibility; epistemic evaluation, evidentiality; validation, acceptance, regret
negationsemantic scope of negation, negation and quantification
junctionproposition vs. state-of-affairs, intrinsic relations (content propositions), extrinsic relations (logical relations, concrete relations), pragmatic level of interpropositional relations
discourse structureinformation structure (topicalization, presupposition vs. assertion, focusing), emphasis
communicative relationscommunication channel, illocution (declaration, question, request and command, hortatory/monitory), speaker's state of mind (incl exclamation); metalinguistic operations (speech reproduction, operations on the code)