Praepositio enim nec adverbio iungitur nec praepositioni.
(Servius, Comm. in Vergilii Aeneidem VII, 289)
‘For a preposition combines neither with an adverb nor with a preposition.’
A complex adposition is an adposition consisting of more than one word.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||
adpositional locution | > | complex adposition | > | simple adposition | > | functional adposition |
E1 | a. | Ecce sunt anni quinquaginta et supra que de trans Pado hic me conlocaui (Codici diplomatici Longobardi n° 19 [715], p. 74) |
Latin | ‘Look it is fifty and more years that I have moved here from beyond the Po’ | |
b. | Quinquaginta anni sunt quod de Lucana ciuitate hic me collocaui (o.c. p. 76) | |
‘It is fifty years that I moved here from the town of Lucca’ |
E2 | omnia haec mala de intus procedunt (Itala [~300], Codex Corbeiensis II, Mark 7, 23) |
Latin | ‘all these evils come from inside’ |
A prepositional adverb is a preposition with an optional complement.
E3 | circa frontem intentae uenae mouentur (Cels. Med. [~30] 2, 2, 3) |
Latin | ‘around the forehead, the veins move tensed’ |
E4 | ea quae circa sunt (Cels. Med. [~30] 5, 28, 14e) |
Latin | ‘that which is around [the carcinoma]’ |
E5 | cerca viene el plazo (Cantar de Mío Cid [1140], tirada 11) |
Castil. | ‘the date is coming near’ |
E6 | lidiamos cerca Valencia (Cantar de Mío Cid [1140], tirada 143) |
Castil. | ‘we fought near Valencia’ |
Diagram 2. Relationalization
[ XAdv YPrim. Prep ]Prep
E7 | qui voluerit stare in suo horto, et sua almunia foris de illa alcudina (Pactos entre Alfonso el Batallador y los moros de Tudela [1115], §3) |
Latin | ‘he who wants to stay in his garden and his cottage outside the borough’ |
E8 | alia terra que dicunt la Toua ante el molino de don Didago (Carta de donación [1127], §29) |
Castil. | ‘another lot called la Tova, in front of the mill of Don Diego’ |
E9 | que ante de la mala fecta lo conpró (Fueros de Medinaceli [1129], §35) |
Castil. | ‘that he bought it before the evil dead’ |
Complex prepositions govern their complement not directly, but by means of a primary preposition which serves as a relationalizer.
The relationalizer de, which is motivated for denominal prepositions, is generalized over secondary prepositions of whatever origin.
Paradigmatic relationship between [Y]Adv and [Y de]Prep
Diagram 3. Reinforcement of prepositional adverb
[ XPrim.Prep. YPrep.Adv. ]Prep.Adv.
Diagram 4. Superordinate prepositional construction
[ XPrim.Prep [ YPrep.Adv. ZNP ]PrepP ]
E10 | hunc ab ante oculis parentis rapuerunt nymphae in gurgite (Gruter, Inscriptiones antiquae totius orbis Romani, 717, 9) [undated] |
Latin | ‘this [child] was robbed before his father’s eyes by nymphs in a whirlpool’ |
E11 | quantum denuo in ante ibant, tantum denuo retro revertebantur (Itin. [384] 7, 3) |
Latin | ‘as much as they went forward again, so much they returned back again’ |
E12 | Et ideo ab odie in ante firmamus perpetualiter nostra supra nominata offertione (Cartulario de San Millán [1045]) |
Latin | ‘And therefore we grant from today onwards for ever our above-mentioned offer’ |
E13 | depost illum ambulat (Pompeius, In artem Donati [~500], Keil V 273, 25) |
Latin | ‘she walks after him’ |
E14 | ubi missa facta fuerit de ante Cruce (Itin. [384] 37, 8) |
Latin | ‘when the mass was completed before the Cross’ |
E15 | stulti, nonne qui fecit quod de foris est, etiam id quod de intus est fecit? (Vulgate [390] Luke 11, 40) |
Latin | ‘ye fools, did not he who made which is without, make that which is within, too?’ |
E16 | acerca corre Salón (Cantar de Mío Cid [1140] p. 135, §26) |
Castil. | ‘nearby flows the Jalón river’ |
E17 | estavan acerca de ellos (Libro de los buenos proverbios que dijeron los filósofos y sabios antiguos [1250], §5) |
Castil. | ‘they stood close to them’ |
ab ante:
E18 | de un año in devant vendat sua casa (Fuero de Carcastillo [1129], §1) |
Castil. | ‘one year ahead may he sell his house’ |
E19 | dent fidiatore cum testimonias per devant rege, & devant alcaldes (o.c. §3) |
Castil. | ‘let them provide a guarantor with witnesses in front of the king and before the mayors’ |
in ante:
E20 | en dia de Sancti Michael o el domingo enante. (Fuero de Cáceres [1234-1275], §451) |
Castil. | ‘on St. Michael’s day or the preceding Sunday.’ |
E21 | que las desuelen enante de la tela (Abraham de Toledo, Libro de los animales que cazan [1250], folio 32 r) |
Castil. | ‘that they flay them in front of the membrane’ |
E22 | ke denante ela sua face gaudioso segamus (Glosas Emilianenses [950], folio 72 r) |
Castil. | ‘that we keep [living] in joy in front of his face’ |
E23 | plus denante in ripa una serna (Cartulario de San Millán de la Cogolla [1027], p. 106) |
Latin | ‘further on the river bank, a field’ |
E24 | ut nullus homo vivens ingrediatur de Pumar delante, (Fueros y privilegios de Santa María del Puerto [1042], §11) |
Latin | ‘that no living man shall enter from Pumar onward,’ |
E25 | delante su mugier e de sus fijas querié tener las armas (Cantar de Mío Cid [1140], n° 86) |
Castil. | ‘in front of his wife and his daughters did he want to hold the tournament’ |
E26 | et quantum habetis ibi laborato, ẽ adelante poteritis ibi examplare, & laborare, (Fuero de Carcastillo en Navarra [1129], §2) |
Latin | ‘and whatever you have cultivated there, you may extend and cultivate there,’ |
Timeline of prepositions based on ante
0 |
250 |
500 |
750 |
1000 |
1250 |
1500 |
1750 | 2000 | ||||
ante |
in ante |
denante |
en denante | ||
delante | ||||||||||
adelante | |||||||||||
en adelante | |||||||||
en delante |
por delante | ||||||||
ab ante |
devant |
adevant |
de ante |
Latin post ‘after’: in post, de post > de pues, de ex post > después, por después
Latin trans ‘beyond’: ad trans > atrás, de trans > detrás, por detrás.
E27 | invenit unum de ex conservis suis (Itala, Cod. Vindobonensis 1185 [~400], Mt. 18, 28) |
Latin | ‘he found one of his fellow slaves’ |
E28 | coniugi karissimae que vixit cum eo de ex die virginitatis sue (CIL 14, 5210 [Late Latin]) |
Latin | ‘for his beloved wife who lived with him since her virginity’ |
E29 | iuxta limitem vineam de mihi [sic!] Eximino, et de ex alia vinearum multarum ex alios homines, (Monasterio de San Martín de Villariezo, Sale contract [1044]) |
Latin | ‘[a lot] beside the border of the vineyard of Msg. Jimeno, and on the second [side bordering on] many vineyards of other people,’ |
Castil. des X ‘from X on’: des odie die ‘from today’s date’; desde oy dia ‘from today on’
E30 | agua pura desde una fuente natural (publicity for mineral water in Costa Rica [2016]) |
Spanish | ‘pure water from a natural spring’ |
E31 | desde un ángulo distribucional (Company Company & Sobrevilla Moreno 2014: 1345) |
Spanish | ‘from a distributional point of view’ |
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