The coordination test consists in coordinating two units A and B in the context of C in order to analyze either the degree of autonomy of A and B or the scope of C.

f are from Zwicky 1977:5.

.a.Je connais Jean et je crains Jean.
b.Je connais et je crains Jean.
FrenchI know and fear John.
.a.Je le connais et je le crains.
b.*Je le connais et crains.
FrenchI know and fear him.

Generally, parts of words cannot be deleted under coordination (Zwicky 1977:3):

yellowish or greyish ≠ yellow or greyish

dancing and singing ≠ dance and singing

In other cases, however, this is possible:

German diagnostizier- und therapierbar ‘capable of diagnosis and therapy’

Staats- und Völkerrecht ‘public and international law’

Zwicky, Arnold M. 1977, On clitics. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Linguistics Club.