The list of publications and the CLIPP list offer download links for most of my work. Excepted are only the oldest publications, produced at a time antedating the PC. The set offered here is more complete than the subset exposed at Researchgate, since that lacks the most recent publications in order to avoid problems with the copyright.
The online versions are pdf exports of the typescripts I submitted for publication. In no case are they copies of the publication. These pdf versions exhibit some differences from the published versions:
- The pagination is different. If you need to refer to some passage, refer to its section number instead of its page.
- The layout, the numbering of numbered material and a few other things are better than in the published version.
- Most of this material is part of my home series Christiani Lehmanni Inedita, Publicanda, Publicata (‘material by Christian Lehmann which is unpublished, to be published or already published’). The frontispice provides the bibliographical data of the published version, which may safely be used for reference instead of the CLIPP pdf.
- In addition, the frontispice contains a field named ‘dies manuscripti postremum modificati’ (‘date of last modification of the typescript’). Usually, this is the date of the galley proof reading. In several cases, however, it is subsequent to the publication date. This means that I changed the file after its publication. Such changes only concern the layout and the correction of minor misprints and the like. In no case have I changed the text substantially to correct errors of my earlier self. Consequently, item #3 applies even if this date is more recent than the publication date.