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ablativus qualitatis

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absolute construction

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abstract noun

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accusative with infinitive

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action continuity

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active system

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active type

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activity vs stativity

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adaptation of loans

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adjectival derivation

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adjective attribute

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adjective of dimension

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adjoined clause

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adnominal complement clause

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adverbial attribute

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adverbial clause

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adverbial infinitive

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agent noun

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alphabetic order

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analogical change

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analytic structure

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anaphora resolution

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anaphoric pronoun

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ancient grammar

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andative vs venitive

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animal terminology

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aphasia diagnostics

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aphasia therapy

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applied linguistics

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appositive complement clause

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areal linguistics

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areal typology

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associated motion

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automatic lemmatization

Cappelli, Giuseppe & Passarotti, Marco 2003, "LEMLAT: uno strumento computazionale per l'analisi linguistica del latino - sviluppo e prospettive." Euphrosyne 31: 519-531

automatic translation

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autosegmental phonology

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auxiliary verb

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basic word order

Pottier, Bernard 1988, "¿Es el español una lengua S-V-O?" Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica 36: 3-7

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basic word order typology

Cinque, Guglielmo 2005, "A note on verb/object order and head/relative clause order." Vulchanova, Mila D. & Åfarli, Tor A. (eds.), Grammar and beyond. Essays in honor of Lars Hellan. Oslo: Novus; 69-89

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bible translation

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bilingual dictionary

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Matthews, Peter H. 1992, "Bloomfield's morphology and its successors." Transactions of the Philological Society 90: 121-186

body part noun

León, Lourdes de 1992, "Body parts and location in Tzotzil: ongoing grammaticalization." Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung 45: 570-589

body part terminology

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body-part grammar

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case marker

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case marking

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case relation

Boeder, Winfried & Schroeder, Christoph 2000, "Relational coding in Georgian and Turkish noun phrases: syntax, derivational morphology, and "linking" by means of particles." Turkic Languages 4(2): 153-204

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case relator

Lehmann, Christian 2011, "Grammaticalization of Semitic case relators." Aula Orientalis 29: 9-26

case role

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case syncretism

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category continuity

Anderson, John 2000, "Markedness and the ontogenesis of syntax." Folia Linguistica 34(3-4): 147-184

causal clause

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causal conjunction

Fugier, Huguette 1989, "Quod, quia, quoniam et leurs effets textuels chez Ciceron." Calboli, Gualtiero (ed.), Subordination and other topics in Latin. Proceedings of the Third Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, Bologna 1-5 April 1985. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins (Studies in Language Companion Series, 17); 91-119


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causative construction

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Simone, Raffaele & Cerbasi, Donato 2001, "Types and diachronic evolution of Romance causative constructions." Romanische Forschungen 113(3): 441-473

causative verb

Brucale, Luisa & Mocciaro, Egle 2016, "Composizione verbale in latino: il caso dei verbi in -facio, -fico." Poccetti, Paolo (ed.), Latinitatis rationes. Descriptive and historical accounts for the Latin language. Berlin: W. de Gruyter; 279-297

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classical rhetoric

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clause chaining

de Vries, Lourens 1993, "Clause combining in oral Trans-New Guinea languages." Text 13

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clause chaining language

McCarthy, Joy 1965, "Clause chaining in Kanite." Anthropological Linguistics 7(5): 59-70

clause component

Knobloch, Clemens 1990, "Wortarten und Satzglieder. Theoretische Überlegungen zu einem alten Problem." Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur 112: 173-199

clause linkage

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clause structure

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cleft sentence

Engelkamp, Johannes & Zimmer, Hubert D. & Leclère, Pierre 1982, "Focusing and presupposition in the understanding of sentences." Le Ny, Jean-François & Kintsch, Walter (eds.), Language and comprehension. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 97-105

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clitic pronoun

Levy, Paulette 1990, "Un caso de interferencia sintáctica del español en totonaco." Demonte, Victoria & Garza Cuarón, Beatriz (eds.), Estudios de lingüística de España y México. México D.F.: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México & COLMEX; 551-560

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Vinogradov, Igor 2017, "From enclitic to prefix: diachrony of personal absolutive markers in Q'eqchi'." Morphology 27: 105-122

cognition verb

Freundlich, Raphael 1989, "Notes on the biblical and classical origin of some metaphorical expressions in the Carmina Burana, denoting mental experience." Societatis Linguisticae Europaeae Sodalicium Israelense 3: viii-xiii

cognitive grammar

Langacker, Ronald W. 1984, "Active zones." Papers from the Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 10: 172-188

Langacker, Ronald W. 1982, "The integration of grammar and grammatical change." Indian Linguistics 42: 82-135

cognitive linguistics

Strohner, Hans & Brose, Roselore 1992, "A cognitive systems approach to linguistic knowledge." Language Sciences 14: 55-76

cognitive map

Haspelmath, Martin 2003, "The geometry of grammatical meaning: semantic maps and cross-linguistic comparison." Tomasello, Michael (ed.), The new psychology of language. Cognitive and functional approaches to language structure. Hillsdale, NJ: L. Erlbaum; 2: 211-242


Seiler, Hansjakob 1990, "Gedanken zum `Leumannschen Punkt'." Museum Helveticum 47: 9-17

colloquial speech

Ebneter, Theodor 1974, "Quale livello di lingua insegnare?" Italiano d'oggi 186-196

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color terminology

Hays, David G. 1977, "The typological significance of basic terminology." Romportl, Milan et al. (eds.), Studies in linguistic typology. Praha: Charles University Press (Linguistica Generalia 1. Acta Universitatis Carolinae 1974 - Philologica, 5); 117--123

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communication verb

Körner, Karl-Hermann 1976, "Redeverb und direkte Rede im Französischen." Schumacher, Helmut (ed.), Kongreßberichte der 7. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik GAL e.V., Trier 1976. Stuttgart: HochschulVerlag; 122-132

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communicative knowledge

Wotjak, Gerd 1991, "Kommunikatives Wissen in interlingualer und interkultureller Sicht." Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung 44: 111-125

comparative analysis of languages

Lehmann, Christian 2005, "Zum Tertium Comparationis im Sprachvergleich." Schmitt, Christian & Wotjak, Barbara (eds.), Beiträge zum romanisch-deutschen und innerromanischen Sprachvergleich. Akten der gleichnamigen internationalen Arbeitstagung (Leipzig, 4.10.-6.10.2003. 2 Bde. Bonn: Romanistischer Verlag; 1: 157-168

comparative clause

Andersen, Paul K. 1982, "On universal 22." Journal of Linguistics 18: 231-243

comparative construction

Ramat, Paolo 2002, "La comparazione negativa." Archivio Glottologico Italiano 87(2): 223-229

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comparative dictionary

Veenker, Wolfgang 1986, "`Badewanne' statt `Krieg'?!" Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen 10: 457-471

comparative linguistics

Heger, Klaus 1985, "Vergleichende, diachronische und historische Sprachwissenschaft." Pieper, Ursula & Stickel, Gerhard (eds.), Studia linguistica Diachronica et Synchronica. Werner Winter sexagenario anno MCMLXXXIII ... oblata. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter; 333-345

Lehmann, Christian 1986, "Die Sprache und die Sprachen. Über ihre Vielfalt und Gleichwertigkeit." Aus Forschung und Medizin 1(2): 16-24

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comparative method

Heger, Klaus 1981, "Außersprachlichkeit - Außereinzelsprachlichkeit - Übereinzelsprachlichkeit." ; 67-76

Lehmann, Christian 2005, "On the methodological bases of genetic language comparison." Language Research 41: 379-404

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compensatory lengthening

Marotta, Giovanna 2002, "Una nota sulla lex Porena in romanesco." L'Italia dialettale 63: 87-103


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complement clause

Bolkestein, A. Machtelt 1990, "Sentential complements in functional grammar. Embedded predications, propositions, utterances in Latin." Nuyts, Jan & Bolkestein, A. Machtelt & Vet, Co (eds.), Layers and levels of representation in language theory. A functional view. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins; 71-100

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Fabricius-Hansen, Cathrine 1980, "Sogenannte ergänzende wenn-Sätze. Ein Beispiel semantisch-syntaktischer Argumentation." Dyhr, Mogens & Hyldgaard-Jensen, Karl & Olsen, Jørgen (eds.), Festschrift für Gunnar Bech. Zum 60. Geburtstag am 23. März 1980. København: [s.ed.] (Kopenhagener Beiträge zur Germanistischen Linguistik, Sonderband, 1); 160-188

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complex conjunction

Lehmann, Christian 2002, "New reflections on grammaticalization and lexicalization." Wischer, Ilse & Diewald, Gabriele (eds.), New reflections on grammaticalization. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins (Typological Studies in Language, 49); 1-18

complex preposition

Lehmann, Christian 2019, "Complex prepositions from Latin to Castilian." Fagard, Benjamin & Pinto de Lima, José & Stosic, Dejan (ed.), Les prépositions complexes dans les langues romanes. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins; 93-125

Lehmann, Christian 2002, "New reflections on grammaticalization and lexicalization." Wischer, Ilse & Diewald, Gabriele (eds.), New reflections on grammaticalization. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins (Typological Studies in Language, 49); 1-18

Lehmann, Christian 1998, "German abstract prepositional phrases." Korzen, Iørn & Herslund, Michael (eds.), Clause combining and text structure. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur (Copenhagen Studies in Language, 22); 87-106

Meibauer, Jörg 1995, "Komplexe Präpositionen - Grammatikalisierung, Metapher, Implikatur und division of pragmatic labour." Liedtke, Frank (ed.), Implikaturen. Grammatische und pragmatische Analysen. Tübingen: M. Niemeyer (Linguistische Arbeiten, 343); 47-74

complex sentence

Askedal, John Ole 2000, "Periodenumfang und Nominalisierungshäufigkeit in älterer und neuerer deutscher philosophischer Sprache." Desportes, Yvon (ed.), Zur Geschichte der Nominalgruppe im älteren Deutsch. Festschrift für Paul Valentin. Akten des Pariser Kolloquiums, März 1999. Heidelberg: C. Winter; 9-26

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computational lexicography

Eleutério, Samuel & Marques Ranchhod, Elisabete & Freire, Helena & Baptista, Jorge 1995, "A system of electronic dictionaries of Portuguese." Lingvisticae Investigationes 19: 57-82

Yang, Dan-Hee & Lee, Ik-Hwan & Cantos, Pascual 2002, "On the corpus size needed for compiling a comprehensive computational lexicon by automatic lexical acquisition." Computers and the humanities 36: 171-190

computational linguistics

Lowe, John & Mazaudon, Martine 1989, "Computerized tools for reconstruction in Tibeto-Burman." Papers from the Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 15: 367-378


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concessive clause

Leclère, Pierre 1979, "La concession: rhétorique et linguistique." Folia Linguistica 13: 63-73

concessive conjunction

Pinto de Lima, José 2014, "Concessive conjunctions and the choice of mood in Portuguese." Pinto de Lima, José, Studies on grammaticalization and lexicalization. Estudos de gramaticalização e lexicalização. [s.l.]: [s.ed.] (LINCOM Studies in Theoretical Linguistics, 53); 45-56


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Harris, Martin B. 1981, "On the conditional as a need mood in French." Folia Linguistica Historica 2: 55-69

conditional clause

Amacker, René 1975, "[Rez. Lehmann 1973[Lat]]." Kratylos 20: 92-95

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conditional relation

van der Auwera, Johan 1997, "Pragmatics in the last quarter century: The case of the conditional perfection." Journal of Pragmatics 27: 261-274


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conjugation class

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consonant cluster

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consonant procope

Marotta, Giovanna 2002, "Una nota sulla lex Porena in romanesco." L'Italia dialettale 63: 87-103

consonant reduction

Vennemann, Theo 2000, "Triple-cluster reduction in Germanic: Etymology without sound laws?" Historische Sprachforschung 113: 239-258

consonant system

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construction grammar

Schultze-Berndt, Eva 2002, "Constructions in language description." Functions of Language 9: 269-310

container metaphor

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contrast relation

Seiler, Hansjakob 2004, "Polarität, Sprache und Kommunikation." Studies in Communication Sciences 4: 183-200

contrastive analysis

Kienpointner, Manfred 1995, "Sentence patterns in Latin and German: a contrastive analysis." Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics 30: 65-84

contrastive distribution

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contrastive grammar

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contrastive linguistics

Yartseva, Viktoria N. 1990, "General and special linguistics and bilingualism." Social Sciences 21(1): 104-113

contrastive topicalization

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conventionality of speech acts

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conversation analysis

Danziger, Eve 2011, "Once more with feeling: A forbidden performance of the Great Speech of the Mopan Maya." Anthropological Quarterly 84(1): 121-140

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coordination reduction

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corpus analysis

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corpus linguistics

Haig, Geoffrey L.J. & Nau, Nicole & Schnell, Stefan & Wegener, Claudia 2011, "Comparing corpora from endangered language projects. Explorations in language typology based on original texts." Haig, Geoffrey L.J. & Nau, Nicole & Schnell, Stefan & Wegener, Claudia (eds.), Documenting endangered languages. Achievements and perspectives. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter; 55-86

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correlative diptych

Coto-Solano, Rolando & Molina-Muñoz, Adriana & García Segura, Alí 2015, "Correlative structures in Bribri." University of British Columbia Working Papers in Linguistics 43: 27-41


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counted nominal

Stolz, Thomas 2002, "Is 'one' still 'one' in 'twenty-one'? On agreement and government properties of cardinal numerals in the languages of Europe." Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung 55: 354-402


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cuneiform script

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de Saussure

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declension class

Dressler, Wolfgang U. & Manova, Stela 2001, "Gender and declensional class in Bulgarian." Wiener Linguistische Gazette 67-69: 45-81

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deep structure

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definite article

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demonstrative adverb

Milano, Federica da 2007, "Demonstratives in parallel texts: a case study." Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung 60(2): 135-147

demonstrative pronoun

Carvalho, Paulo de 1991, "»Deixis objective« vs. »deixis subjective«. Sur les »substantifs démonstratifs« du latin." Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 86(1): 211-244

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denominal adjective derivation

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denominal derivation

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dependency grammar

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dependency phonology

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derivative negation

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derverbal derivation

Pasch, Helma 1985, "Die deverbale Derivation im Sango." Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere 4: 5-29

design of situation

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developmental psycholinguistics

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diachronic linguistics

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diachronic morphological typology

Kilani-Schoch, Marianne & Dressler, Wolfgang U. 1984, "Natural morphology and Classical vs. Tunisian Arabic." Wiener Linguistische Gazette 33/34: 51-68

diachronic syntactic typology

Askedal, John Ole 2005, "The typological development of the Nordic languages II: Morphology and syntax." Bandle, Oskar et al. (eds.), The Nordic languages. An international handbook of the history of the North Germanic languages. 2 vols. Berlin & New York: W. de Gruyter (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 22); 2: 1872-1886

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diachronic typology

Klimov, Georgij A. 1978, "Probleme der typologischen Rekonstruktion." Proceedings of the International Congress of Linguists 12: 493-496

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diachronic universals

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dictionary vs encyclopaedia

Haiman, John 1980, "Dictionaries and encyclopedias." Lingua 50: 329-357

differential object marking

Bossong, Georg 1985, "Markierung von Aktantenfunktionen im Guaraní. Zur Frage der differentiellen Objektmarkierung in nicht-akkusativischen Sprachen." Plank, Frans (ed.), Relational typology. Berlin etc.: Mouton (Trends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs, 28); 1-29

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Bossong, Georg 1983f, "Animacy and markedness in universal grammar." Glossologia 2/3: 7-20

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LaPolla, Randy J. 1994, "Parallel grammaticalizations in Tibeto-Burman languages: evidence of Sapir's `drift'." Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman area 17(1/2): 1-18

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Pensado, Carmen 1985, "La creación del objeto directo preposicional y la flexión de los pronombres personales en las lenguas románicas." Revue Roumaine de linguistique 30: 123-158 (Ed. rev.: Pensado (ed.) 1995:179-230)

differential subject marking

Bossong, Georg 1983f, "Animacy and markedness in universal grammar." Glossologia 2/3: 7-20


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direct object

Comrie, Bernard 1979, "Definite and animate direct objects: a natural class." Linguistica Silesiana 3: 13-21

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Polinsky, Maria 1994, "Double objects in causatives: towards a study of coding conflict." Studies in Language 19: 129-221

Stimm, Helmut 1986, "Die Markierung des direkten Objekts durch a im Unterengadinischen." Holtus, Günter & Ringger, Kurt (eds.), Raetia antiqua et moderna. W. Theodor Elwert zum 80. Geburtstag. Tübingen: M. Niemeyer; 407-448

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direct speech

Körner, Karl-Hermann 1976, "Redeverb und direkte Rede im Französischen." Schumacher, Helmut (ed.), Kongreßberichte der 7. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik GAL e.V., Trier 1976. Stuttgart: HochschulVerlag; 122-132

directive sentence

Donhauser, Karin 1982, "Ein Typ mit und koordinierter Imperative des Deutschen." Sprachwissenschaft 7: 220-252

Donhauser, Karin 1984, "Aufgepaßt! - Überlegungen zu einer Verwendung des Partizips II im Deutschen." Eroms, Hans-Werner et al. (eds.), Studia Linguistica et Philologica. Festschrift für Klaus Matzel zum sechzigsten Geburtstag. Heidelberg: C. Winter; 367-374

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discourse analysis

Du Bois, John W. & Schuetze-Coburn, Stephan & Paolino, Danae & Cumming, Susanna 1993, "Outline of discourse transcription." Edwards, J.A. & Lampert, M.D. (eds.), Talking data. Transcription and coding in discourse research. Hillsdale, NJ: L. Erlbaum; 45-89

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Hale, Austin 1985, "Noun phrase form and cohesive function in Newari." Pieper, Ursula & Stickel, Gerhard (eds.), Studia linguistica Diachronica et Synchronica. Werner Winter sexagenario anno MCMLXXXIII ... oblata. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter; 303-321

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Waugh, Linda R. & Monville-Burston, Monique 1986, "Aspect and discourse function: the French simple past in newspaper usage." Language 62: 846-877

discourse genre

Gülich, Elisabeth 1993, "Mit der Bitte um Stellungnahme. Betrachtungen eines Organs über eine Textsorte." Klein, Wolf Peter & Paul, Ingwer (eds.), Sprachliche Aufmerksamkeit. Glossen und Marginalien zur Sprache der Gegenwart. Walther Dieckmann zum sechzigsten Geburtstag. Heidelberg: C. Winter; 59-63

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discourse marker

Kim, Hijean 2004, "A usage-based phonology approach to [the] deletion in [The thing is (that)]." Discourse and Cognition 11: 17-125

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Quesada, J. Diego 1996, "De ahí -> diay: a particle is born. Discourse-triggered grammaticalization in Spanish." Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 15: 147-177

discourse structure

Bolkestein, A. Machtelt 2001, "Discourse organization and anaphora in Latin." Herring, Susan C. & van Reenen, Pieter & Schøsler, Lene (eds.), Textual parameters in older languages. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 195); 107-137

distance iconicity

Haiman, John 1983, "Iconic and economic motivation." Language 59: 781-819


Körner, Karl-Hermann 1978, "Überlegungen zur Definition einer textlinguistischen Verbklasse im Französischen: die semantischen Beziehungen zwischen Redeverb und direkter Rede." Proceedings of the International Congress of Linguists 12: 548-550

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double dative

Hettrich, Heinrich 1984, "Zur historischen Syntax der nomina actionis im Rgveda: Der `doppelte Dativ'." Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 43: 55-106


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ecological linguistics

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emphatic identifying pronoun

Gast, Volker & Siemund, Peter 2005, "Rethinking the relationship between SELF-intensifiers and reflexives." Linguistics

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etymological dictionary

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European structural linguistics

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European structuralism

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evolution of language

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exclamatory sentence

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expansion vs. reduction

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expert system

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external evidence

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external possession

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family resemblance

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field work

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figura etymologica

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final adverbial

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finite state morphology

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first language acquisition

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first language instruction

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fiunctional grammar

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focus particle

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folk etymology

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folk linguistics

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foreign language teaching

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foreign word

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forensic linguistics

Kniffka, Hannes 2001, "Eine Zwischenbilanz aus der Werkstatt eines 'forensischen' Linguisten: Zur Analyse anonymer Autorschaft." Linguistische Berichte 185: 75-104

form vs. substance

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formal semantics

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formalism vs functionalism

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free pronoun

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function of language

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functional domain

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fundamental relation

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Nübling, Damaris 2006, "Auf Umwegen zum Passivauxiliar - Die Grammatikalisierungspfade von geben, werden, kommen und bleiben im Luxemburgischen, Deutschen und Schwedischen." Moulin, Claudine & Nübling, Damaris (eds.), Perspektiven einer linguistischen Luxemburgistik. Studien zu Synchronie und Diachronie. Heidelberg: C. Winter; 171-202


Bechert, Johannes 1982, "Grammatical gender in Europe: An areal study of a linguistic category." Papiere zur Linguistik 26: 23-34

Christofidou, Anastasia & Doleschal, Ursula & Dressler, Wolfgang U. 1990f, "Gender agreement via derivational morphology in Greek." Glossologia 9/10: 69-79

Dressler, Wolfgang U. & Doleschal, Ursula 1990, "Gender agreement via derivational morphology." Acta Linguistica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 40(1/2): 115-137

Greenberg, Joseph H. 1978, "How does a language acquire gender markers?" Greenberg, Joseph H. (ed.), Universals of human language. 4 vols. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press; 3: 47-82

Köpcke, Klaus-Michael & Zubin, David A. 2009, "Genus." Hentschel, Elke & Vogel, Petra (eds.), Deutsche Morphologie. Berlin: W. de Gruyter; 132–154

Méndez Dosuna, Julián 1995, "The origin of feminine hoi." s.ed., Studies in Greek linguistcs. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 11-14 May 1994. A festschrift for professor M. Setatos. Thessaloniki: Aristotle University; 78-89

Rosén, Haiim B. 1985, "Über einige wenig berücksichtigte morphologische Gesichtspunkte zur Frage der Entstehung der nominalen Genuskategorie im Indogermanischen." Schlerath, Bernfried (ed.), Grammatische Kategorien - Funktion und Geschichte. Akten der VII. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft, Berlin, 20.-25. Februar 1983. Wiesbaden: L. Reichert; 411-423

Steinhauer, Hein 1985, "Number in Biak: counterevidence to two alleged language universals." Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 141: 462-485

Vykypel, Bohumil 2006, "Eine Bemerkung zum Genus." Acta Linguistica Lithuanica 54: 95-100

gender vs. Sex

Boroditsky, Lera & Schmidt, Lauren A. & Phillips, Webb 2003, "Sex, syntax and semantics." Gentner, Dedre & Goldin-Meadow, Susan (eds.), Language in mind. Advances in the study of language and cognition. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; 61-80

general grammar

Keenan, Edward L. 1978, "Logical semantics and universal grammar." Theoretical Linguistics 5: 83-107

Lehmann, Christian 1988, "A survey of general comparative linguistics. Review article of: Timothy Shopen (ed.), Language typology and syntactic description. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1985." Journal of Linguistics 24: 175-187

Pusztay, János 1985, "Gedanken zu einem einheitlichen morphologischen Beschreibungsmodell der uralischen Dialekte." Veenker, Wolfgang (ed.), Dialectologia Uralica. Materialien des ersten Internationalen Symposions zur Dialektologie der uralischen Sprachen, 4.-7. September 1984 in Hamburg. Wiesbaden: O. Harrassowitz; 49-56

Swiggers, Pierre 1986, "Le mot comme unité linguistique dans la théorie grammaticale au dix-huitième siècle." Indogermanische Forschungen 91: 1-26

Veenker, Wolfgang 1985, "Vorschlag für ein morphologisches Beschreibungsmodell der uralischen Sprachen und Dialekte." Veenker, Wolfgang (ed.), Dialectologia Uralica. Materialien des ersten Internationalen Symposions zur Dialektologie der uralischen Sprachen, 4.-7. September 1984 in Hamburg. Wiesbaden: O. Harrassowitz; 57-66

Veenker, Wolfgang 1985, "Vorschlag für ein phonologisches Beschreibungsmodell der uralischen Sprachen und Dialekte." Veenker, Wolfgang (ed.), Dialectologia Uralica. Materialien des ersten Internationalen Symposions zur Dialektologie der uralischen Sprachen, 4.-7. September 1984 in Hamburg. Wiesbaden: O. Harrassowitz; 33-47

Walmsley, John B. 1988, "The Sonnenschein v. Jespersen controversy." Fries, Udo & Heusser, Martin (eds.), Meaning and beyond. Ernst Leisi zum 70. Geburtstag. Tübingen: G. Narr; 253-281

general linguistics

Lehmann, Christian 1996, "Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft an der Universität Bielefeld." Lingua Posnaniensis 38: 143-149

generative (transformational) grammar

Haas, William 1978, "Linguistics 1930-1980." Journal of Linguistics 14: 293-308

Lehmann, Winfred P. 1984, "Mellow glory. See language steadily and see it whole." Copeland, James E. (ed.), New directions in linguistics and semiotics. Houston, Texas: Rice University Studies (New Series, 2) (Amsterdam: J. Benjamins, CILT, 32); 17-34

generative phonology

Lehmann, Christian 1977, "Recensão crítica: A tradução de Schane, S.A., Generative phonology; com lista dos errata." Letras de Hoje 30: 58-89

generative semantics

Lehmann, Christian 1976, "[Resenha de: Mary A. Kato, A semântica gerativa e o artigo definido. São Paolo, 1974]." Letras de Hoje 24: 92-98

genetic relationship

Campbell, Lyle & Kaufman, Terrence 1983, "Mesoamerican historical linguistics and distant genetic relationship: getting it straight." American Anthropologist 85: 362-376

Campbell, Lyle & Kaufman, Terrence 1980, "On Mesoamerican linguistics." American Anthropologist 82: 850-857

Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi-Luca 1991, "Genes, peoples and languages." Scientific American(November) 72-78

Constenla Umaña, Adolfo 2002, "Acerca de la relación genealógica de las lenguas lencas y las lenguas misumalpas." Filología y Lingüística 28(1): 189-205

Heeschen, Volker 1992, "The position of the Mek languages of Irian Jaya among the Papuan languages; history, typoplogy, and speech." Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 148: 465-488

Imperato, Marina 1990, "La posizione linguistica dell'etrusco." Annali del Dipartimento di Studi del Mondo Classico e del Mediterraneo Antico 12: 327-356

Lehmann, Christian 2005, "On the methodological bases of genetic language comparison." Language Research 41: 379-404

Modini, Paul 1988, "Japanese as a Ural-Altaic language: the significance of serial verbs." Journal of Oriental Society of Australia 20: 138-152

Payne, Doris L. 1985, "-ta in Zaparoan and Peba-Yaguan." International Journal of American Linguistics 51: 529-531

Ross, Philip E. 1991, "Hard words. Trends in linguistics." Scientific American(April) 70-79

Tsunoda, Tasaku 1984, "Verbal inflectional morphology in historical linguistics - a case study in the Herbert-Burdekin languages of North Queensland." Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Nagoya 88(Literature): 30


Leirbukt, Oddleif 1983, "Über einen Genitiv besonderen Typus." Muttersprache 93(1-2): 104-119

Plank, Frans 1985, "The interpretation and development of form alternations conditioned across word-boundaries. The case of wife's, wives, and wives'." Eaton, Roger et al. (eds.), Papers from the 4#u#th#e# International Conference on English Historical Linguistics. Amsterdam, April 10-13, 1985. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 41); 205-233

Rosén, Haiim B. 1988, "A marginal note on Sanskrit case-syntax." Kumar Sen, Subhadra (ed.), Hanjamana. Festschrift for Irach J.S. Taraporewala. Calcutta: Calcutta University Press; 33-39

Touratier, Christian 1995, "Le cas est-il une unité fonctionnelle?: Le génitif latin." Longrée, Dominique (ed.), De usu. Études de syntaxe latine offertes en hommage à Marius Lavency. Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters (Bibliothèque des Cahiers de l'Institut de Linguistique de Louvain, 70); 307-328

genitive attribute

Kordic, Snježana 1995, "Possessvitätsausdruck durch Relativpronomen im Kroatisch-Serbischen." Die Welt der Slaven 40: 327-340

Leys, Odo 1998, "Zum Genitivattribut im Deutschen." Janse, Mark & Verlinden, An (eds.), Productivity and creativity. Studies in general and descriptive linguistics in honour of E.M. Uhlenbeck. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter (Trends in Linguistics, 116); 549-557

Limburg, Machiel J. 1985, "On the notion `Relator' and the expression of the genitive relation." Bolkestein, A. Machtelt et al. (eds.), Predicates and terms in functional grammar. Dordrecht & Cinnaminson: Foris (Functional Grammar Series, 2); 147-163

Mackenzie, J. Lachlan 1983, "Nominal predicates in a functional grammar of English." Dik, Simon C. (ed.), Advances in functional grammar. Dordrecht & Cinnaminson: Foris (Publications in Language Sciences); 31-51

Panhuis, Dirk G.J. 1984, "Archaic and contemporary speech: word order in the formula deum virtute in Plautus." Indogermanische Forschungen 89: 26-28

Plank, Frans 1980, "Encoding grammatical relations: acceptable and unacceptable non-distinctness." Fisiak, Jacek (ed.), Historical morphology. The Hague: Mouton (Trends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs, 17); 289-325

Ramat, Paolo 1986, "The Germanic possessive type `dem Vater sein Haus'." Kastovsky, Dieter & Szwedek, Aleksander (eds.), Linguistics across historical and geographical boundaries. Festschrift for Jacek Fisiak. 2 vols. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter; 579-590

Standwell, G.J.B. 1982, "Genitive constructions and functional sentence perspective." International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 20: 257-278

Watkins, Calvert 1967, "Remarks on the genitive." s.ed., To honor Roman Jakobson. Essays on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. 3 vols. The Hague & Paris: Mouton (Janua Linguarum Series Maior, 31-33); III: 2191-2198

Germanic studies

Maas, Utz 1993, "Sprachwissenschaft und Germanistik. Fachgeschichtliche Anmerkungen zu einem problematischen Verhältnis." Jahrbuch der Deutschen Schillergesellschaft 37: 383-408


Giacalone Ramat, Anna 2003, "Gerunds as optional categories in second language learning." Giacalone Ramat, Anna (ed.), Typology and second language acquisition. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter; 181-220

Hettrich, Heinrich 1993, "Nochmals zu Gerundium und Gerundivum." Meiser, Gerhard et al. (eds.), Indogermanica et Italica. Festschrift für Helmut Rix zum 65. Geburtstag. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft, 72); 190-208

Pompei, Anna 2001, "La funzione del participium coniunctum nell'organizzazione del testo in greco antico." Consani, Carlo & Mucciante, Luisa (eds.), Norma e variazione nel diasistema greco. Atti del Quarto Incontro Internazionale di Linguistica Greca (Chieti-Pescara, 30 settembre - 2 ottobre 1999). Alessandria: Ed. dell'Orso; 315-333 (erweiterte Fassung von Pompei 2000)

Pompei, Anna 2006, "Participles as a non-prototypical word class." Crespo, Emilio & de la Villa, Jesús & Revuelta, Antonio R. (eds.), Word classes and related topics in Ancient Greek. Proceedings of the conference on 'Greek Syntax and Word Classes' held in Madrid on 18-21, June 2003. Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters; 361-388

Pompei, Anna 2000, "La categoría del participio: formas y función discursiva." Crespo, Emilio & Barrios, María José (eds.), Actas del X Congreso Español de Estudios Clásicos. 21-25 de septiembre de 1999, Alcalá de Henares. Madrid: Gredos (Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos); I: 243-251 (gekürzte Fassung von Pompei 2001)

Thompson, Sandra A. 1983, "Grammar and discourse: The English detached participial clause." Klein-Andreu, Flora (ed.), Discourse perspectives on syntax. New York: Academic Press; 43-65

Vester, Elseline 1990, "The satellite status of gerund and gerundive in Latin." Hannay, Mike & Vester, Elseline (eds.), Working with Functional Grammar: descriptive and computational applications. Dordrecht & Providence: Foris; 103-113


Groot, Casper de 1987, "On the predicative verbal adverbal construction in Hungarian." Kenesei, István (ed.), Approaches to Hungarian. Vol. 2: Theories and analyses. Szeged: Jate; 273-296

Kapeliuk, Olga 1990, "Some striking similiarities between Amharic and Turkish." Proceedings of the International Congress of Linguists 14(2): 2376-2379


Heberlein, Friedrich 1989, "Gerundivkonstruktion: interne Struktur und `Diathese'." Gymnasium 96: 49-72

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Vester, Elseline 1990, "The satellite status of gerund and gerundive in Latin." Hannay, Mike & Vester, Elseline (eds.), Working with Functional Grammar: descriptive and computational applications. Dordrecht & Providence: Foris; 103-113


Askedal, John Ole 2012, "Norwegian 'get': A survey of its use in present-day Riksmål/Bokmål." Linguistics 50: 1289-1331


Vykypel, Bohumil 2006, "Hjelmslevs freie Gliederung." Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft 16: 179-194


Craig, Colette G. 1991, "Ways to go in Rama: a case study in polygrammaticalization." Traugott, Elizabeth C. & Heine, Bernd (eds.), Approaches to grammaticalization. 2 vols. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins (Typological Studies in Language, 19); II: 455-492

García-Hernández, Benjamín 1983, "El desplazamiento secuencial de fui (= iui)." Unidad y pluralidad en el mundo antiguo, 331-340

Giacalone Ramat, Anna 2000, "On some grammaticalization patterns for auxiliaries." Smith, John Charles & Bentley, Delia (eds.), Historical linguistics 1995. Vol. 1: Romance and general linguistics. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 161); 125-154


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Di Meola, Claudio 1999, "Entgegen, nahe, entsprechend und gemäß. Dativpräpositionen mit Genitivrektion." Zeitschrift für Germanistik 27: 344-351

Lehmann, Christian 1983, "Rektion und syntaktische Relationen." Folia Linguistica 17: 339-378

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grammatical analysis

Switalla, Bernd 1987, "Die DUDEN-Grammatik von 1984 - Ein Modell der grammatischen Interpretation?" Sprache und Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 59(1): 35-59

grammatical category

Bechert, Johannes 1982, "Grammatische Kategorien: Affinität, Markiertheit und pragmatische Begründung. Beobachtungen am Kontinuum der Nominativ-/Ergativsprachen." Abraham, Werner (ed.), Satzglieder im Deutschen. Vorschläge zur syntaktischen, semantischen und pragmatischen Fundierung. Tübingen: G. Narr (Studien zur Deutschen Grammatik, 15); 41-58

Bechert, Johannes 1977, "Grammatische Kategorien im Griechischen." Gymnasium 84: 230-241

Comrie, Bernard 1978, "[Review of Dixon (ed.) 1976]." Lingua 45: 79-90

Kuteva, Tania 1999, "Specification in grammar." Hiraga, Masako & Sinha, Chris & Wilcox, Sherman (eds.), Cultural, psychological and typological issues in cognitive linguistics. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 152); 269-284

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Montejo Esteban, Ruperto 1988, "Categorías diferentes en las gramáticas del q'anjob'al y castellano." Boletín de Lingüística 11/12: 5-110

Sasse, Hans-Jürgen 1993, "Syntactic categories and subcategories." Jacobs, Joachim & Stechow, Arnim von & Sternefeld, Wolfgang & Vennemann, Theo (eds.), Syntax. Ein internationales Handbuch zeitgenössischer Forschung. 1. Halbband. Berlin: W. de Gruyter (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 9.1); 1: 646-686

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Wiemer, Björn 2003, "Grammatische Kategorien und Grammatikalisierung in der Forschung der Sowjetunion und Polens: Beitrag zu einem bislang nicht aufgearbeiteten wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Kapitel." Zeitschrift für Slawistik 48: 55-82

grammatical change

Boeder, Winfried 1987, "Einfachheit und Komplexität in der Geschichte der Kartvelsprachen." Annual of Ibero-Caucasian Linguistics 14: 23-64

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Knobloch, Clemens 2002, "Spracherwerb und Sprachwandel: Zweckehe oder gefährliche Liebschaft?" Ezawa, Kennosuke & Kürschner, Wilfried & Rensch, Karl H. & Ringmacher, Manfred (eds.), Linguistik jenseits des Strukturalismus. Akten des II. Ost-West-Kolloquiums, Berlin 1998. Tübingen: G. Narr; 105-122

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Lehmann, Christian 1995, "Synsemantika." Jacobs, Joachim & Stechow, Arnim von & Sternefeld, Wolfgang & Vennemann, Theo (eds.), Syntax. Ein internationales Handbuch zeitgenössischer Forschung. 2. Halbband. Berlin: W. de Gruyter (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 9.2); II: 1251-1266

Meibauer, Jörg & Guttropf, Anja & Scherer, Carmen 2004, "Dynamic aspects of German -er-nominals: a probe into the interrelation of language change and language acquisition." Linguistics 42: 155-193

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grammatical meaning

Bybee, Joan L. 1988, "Semantic substance vs. contrast in the development of grammatical meaning." Papers from the Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 14: 247-264

Bybee, Joan L. & Pagliuca, William 1985, "Cross-linguistic comparison and the development of grammatical meaning." Fisiak, Jacek (ed.), Historical semantics - historical word-formation. Berlin etc.: Mouton (Trends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs, 49); 59-83

grammatical operation

Lehmann, Christian 1986, "Relationality and the grammatical operation." Arbeiten des Kölner Universalienprojekts 64: 47-63

grammatical questionnaire

Comrie, Bernard & Smith, Norval 1977, "Lingua Descriptive Studies: Questionnaire." Lingua 42: 1-72

Dahl, Östen 1985, "The TMA questionnaire." Dahl, Östen, Tense and aspect systems. Oxford: B. Blackwell; 198-206

grammatical relation

Cennamo, Michela 2001, "L'extended accusative e le nozioni di voce e relazione grammaticale nel latino tardo e medievale." Viparelli, Valeria (ed.), Ricerche linguistiche tra antico e moderno. Napoli: Liguori; 3-27

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Foley, William A. 1993, "The conceptual basis of grammatical relations." Foley, William A. (ed.), The role of theory in language description. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter (Trends in Linguistics, 69); 131-174

Givón, Talmy 1997, "Grammatical relations: an introduction." Givón, Talmy (ed.), Grammatical relations. A functionalist perspective on structure. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins; 1-84

Lehfeldt, Werner & Meyer, Peter 1994, "Morphosyntaktische Relationen im `Bedeutung = Text'-Modell." Mehlig, Hans Robert (ed.), Slavistische Linguistik 1993. Referate des XIX. Konstanzer Slavistischen Arbeitstreffens, Kiel 21.-23.94. München: Otto Sagner (Slavistische Beiträge, 319); 127-151

Lehmann, Christian 2006, "Participant roles, thematic roles and syntactic relations." Tsunoda, Tasaku & Kageyama, Taro (eds.), Voice and grammatical relations. In honor of Masayoshi Shibatani. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins (Typological Studies in Language, 65); 167-190

Lehmann, Christian 2002, "Latin valency in typological perspective." Bolkestein, A. Machtelt & Kroon, Caroline H.M. & Pinkster, Harm & Remmelink, H. Wim & Risselada, Rodie (eds.), Theory and description in Latin linguistics. Selected papers from the XIth International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, Amsterdam June 24-29, 2001. Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben; 183-203

Lehmann, Christian 1985, "On grammatical relationality." Folia Linguistica 19: 67-109

Sasse, Hans-Jürgen 1993, "Syntactic categories and subcategories." Jacobs, Joachim & Stechow, Arnim von & Sternefeld, Wolfgang & Vennemann, Theo (eds.), Syntax. Ein internationales Handbuch zeitgenössischer Forschung. 1. Halbband. Berlin: W. de Gruyter (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 9.1); 1: 646-686

Wandruszka, Ulrich 1989, "`Klassemisch' vs. `lexemisch'. Zwei Grundtypen sprachlicher Strukturbildung." Papiere zur Linguistik 41: 77-100

grammatical structure

Touratier, Christian 2001, "Les trois niveaux de la description linguistique." Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur 111(3): 227-238


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historical morphology

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historical syntax

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history of language description

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history of writing

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hodiernal past

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homonymy vs polysemy

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impersonal construction

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impersonal construction, transitivity

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impersonal passive

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indirect object

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indirect participation

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indirect speech

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inferential evidential

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infinitive construction

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inflected infinitive

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inflection class

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inflection vs. derivation

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inflectional paradigm

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information structure

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intercultural communication

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interlinear morphological gloss

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internal agreement

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internal head relative clause

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interrogative sentence

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kinship terminology

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'kommen' vs. 'gehen'

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language acquisition

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language activity

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language attitude

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language contact

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language death

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language description

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language documentation

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language endangerment

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language family

Quesada, J. Diego 1999, "Chibchan, with special reference to participant-highlighting." Linguistic Typology 3: 209-258

language maintenance

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language planning

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language policy

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language proficiency test

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language sample

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language shift

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language standardization

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language system

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language teaching

Bechert, Johannes 1977, "Grammatische Kategorien im Griechischen." Gymnasium 84: 230-241

Frentz, Hartmut & Lehmann, Christian 2003, "Der gymnasiale Lernbereich ‘Reflexion über Sprache’ und das Hochschulzugangsniveau für sprachliche Fächer." Didaktik Deutsch 14: 92-98

language transfer

Reinfried, Marcus 1999, "Innerromanischer Sprachtransfer." Grenzgänge 6: 96-125

language type

Askedal, John Ole 2000, "Das Deutsche als strukturell europäische Sprache." Gardt, Andreas (ed.), Nation und Sprache. Die Diskussion ihres Verhältnisses in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Berlin & New York: W. de Gruyter; 385-417

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language typology

Bisang, Walter 2004, "Dialectology and typology - An integrative perspective." Kortmann, Bernd (ed.), Dialectology meets typology. Dialect grammar from a cross-linguistic perspective. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter (Trends in Linguistics, 153); 11-45

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Coseriu, Eugenio 1983, "Sprachtypologie und Typologie von sprachlichen Verfahren." Faust, Manfred (ed.), Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Sprachtypologie und Textlinguistik. Festschrift für Peter Hartmann. Tübingen: G. Narr; 269-279

Coseriu, Eugenio 1980, "Der Sinn der Sprachtypologie." Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Copenhague 20: 157-170 (Albrecht et al. (eds.) 1988, 1:161-172)

Heine, Bernd & Lehmann, Christian & Reh, Mechthild 1985, "Twelve questions on language typology and possible answers." Seiler, Hansjakob & Brettschneider, Gunter (eds.), Language invariants and mental operations. International interdisciplinary conference held at Gummersbach/Cologne, Germany, Sept. 18-23, 1983. Tübingen: G. Narr (Language Universals Series, 5); 34-38

Ineichen, Gustav 1982, "Typologisches Kolloquium in Hannover." Ural-altaische Jahrbücher 2: 273-275

Keenan, Edward L. 1978, "Language variation and the logical structure of universal grammar." Seiler, Hansjakob (ed.), Language universals. Papers from the Conference held at Gummersbach/Cologne, Germany, October 3-8, 1976. Tübingen: G. Narr (Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik, 111); 89-124

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Lehmann, Christian 1985, "The role of grammaticalization in linguistic typology." Seiler, Hansjakob & Brettschneider, Gunter (eds.), Language invariants and mental operations. International interdisciplinary conference held at Gummersbach/Cologne, Germany, Sept. 18-23, 1983. Tübingen: G. Narr (Language Universals Series, 5); 41-52

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Litvinov, Viktor P. 1991, "The Leningrad school of typology." T&U Newsletter 3: 8-10

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language universal

Campbell, Lyle 1980, "Explaining universals and their exceptions." Traugott, Elizabeth C. & LaBrum, Rebecca & Shepherd, Susan (eds.), Papers from the 4th International Conference on Historical Linguistics. Stanford, March 26-30, 1979. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins (Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science, IV, 14); 17-26

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Coseriu, Eugenio 1974, "Les universaux linguistiques (et les autres)." Proceedings of the International Congress of Linguists 11(1): 47-73 (Dt.: Schlieben-Lange (ed.) 1975:127-161. Engl.: Makkai et al. (eds.) 1977:317-346. Span.: Coseriu 1978:148-205)

Coseriu, Eugenio 1976, "Stellungnahme zu den `12 Fragen'." Seiler, Hansjakob (ed.), Materials for the DFG International Conference on Language Universals held at Gummersbach, October, 4-8, 1976. Köln: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität; 93-98

Hagège, Claude 1988, "Les universaux du langage." Cahiers de l’Ecole des sciences philosophiques et religieuses 3: 37-50

Keenan, Edward L. 1978, "Logical semantics and universal grammar." Theoretical Linguistics 5: 83-107

Keenan, Edward L. 1976, "The logical diversity of natural languages." Harnad, Stevan R. & Steklis, Horst D. & Lancaster, Jane (eds.), Origins and evolution of language and speech. New York: New York Academy of Sciences (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 280); 73-91

Lehmann, Christian 1982, "Some current views of the language universal." Lingua e Stile 17: 91-111

Lehmann, Christian 1981, "Zur Universaliendiskussion in der italienischen Linguistik (La nozione di `tipo' e le sue articolazioni nelle discipline del linguaggio, Lingua e Stile XV/3, 1980)." Folia Linguistica 15: 443-458

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Simone, Raffaele & Lombardi Vallauri, Edoardo 2010f, "Natural constraints on language. 1) Nature and consequences; 2) The ergonomics of the software." Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 63: 205-224; 64:119-141

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Wode, Henning 1984, "Psycholinguistische Grundlagen sprachlicher Universalien." Folia Linguistica 18: 345-377

language vs culture

Nishina, Yoko 2015, "Bunka to gengogakosyuu." Unkel, Monika (ed.), Japanisch als Fremdsprache. Referate des 15. Deutschsprachigen Japanologentags [Zürich, 2012]. Bonn: Bier; 000-000

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Rosén, Haiim B. 1997, "On human society and culture, intellect and language structure as mirrored by structuralism in both its facets." Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities 8(5): 85-108

Touratier, Christian 1993, "Langue, culture et pensée." Travaux du Cercle Linguistique d'Aix-en-Provence 11: 9-15

language vs. music

Austerlitz, Robert 1983, "Meaning in music: is music like language and if so, how?" American Journal of Semiotics 2(3): 1-11

language vs. thought

Coseriu, Eugenio 1982, "Naturbild und Sprache." Zimmermann, Jörg (ed.), Das Naturbild des Menschen. München: W. Fink; 260-284

Franzen, Winfried 2013, "Das Sprache-Denken-Problem in den Sprachursprungsschriften von Herder und Fichte." Eruditio - Educatio 8(3): 13-27

Lombardi Vallauri, Edoardo 2004, "The relation between mind and language: The Innateness Hypothesis and the Poverty of the Stimulus." The Linguistic Review 21: 345-387

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Touratier, Christian 1993, "Langue, culture et pensée." Travaux du Cercle Linguistique d'Aix-en-Provence 11: 9-15


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Quesada, J. Diego 2017, "The Chibchan languages." Quesada, J. Diego & Verhoeven, Elisabeth (eds.), Handbook of Central American languages. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press; ch. 9

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Untermann, Jürgen 1981, "La varietà linguistica nell'Iberia preromana." Annali del Dipartimento di Studi del Mondo Classico e del Mediterraneo Antico 3: 15-35

langue vs. parole

Daneš, František 1993, "Del esquema de la oración a la emisión: una propuesta de interpretación de la homonimia sintáctica." Revista Argentina de Lingüística 9: 117-132

Lazard, Gilbert 2001, "De l'objectivité en linguistique." Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 96(1): 9-22

Rensch, K.H. 1966, "Ferdinand de Saussure und Georg von der Gabelentz." Phonetica 15: 32-41

laryngal theory

Rosén, Haiim B. 1999, "On the nature and essence of laryngeal reflexes with glimpses on the emergence of a terminological usage." Historische Sprachforschung 112: 175-187

left dislocation

Sornicola, Rosanna 1984, "Indeterminate relations and the notion of `quasi-government'." Folia Linguistica 18: 379-408

legal terminology

Kniffka, Hannes 2003, "Zur Existenzweise und zur Validierung von "Textsorten"-Bezeichnungen." Hagemann, Jörg & Sager, Sven F. (eds.), Schriftliche und mündliche Kommunikation. Begriffe - Methoden - Analysen. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Klaus Brinker. Tübingen: Stauffenburg; 155-170


Kamp, Hans 1988, "LEMMA2 - Ein Programm zur automatischen Lemmatisierung." inforum(Februar) 11-12


Seiler, Hansjakob 1990, "Gedanken zum `Leumannschen Punkt'." Museum Helveticum 47: 9-17


Bechert, Johannes 1983, "Nachrichten über eine `ausgestorbene' Wissenschaft: Auszüge aus Briefen von Ernst Lewy." Papiere zur Linguistik 28: 77-82


Mel'cuk, Igor A. 1991, "Lexème et quelques concepts apparentés: essai d'analyse et de définition." Linguistica Computazionale 7: 111-137

lexical change

Koch, Peter & Oesterreicher, Wulf 1996, "Sprachwandel und expressive Mündlichkeit." Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 102: 64-96

lexical field

Banti, Giorgio 2000, "Notes on Somali camel terminology." Voßen, Rainer & Mietzner, Angelika & Meißner, Antje (eds.), "Mehr als nur Worte ...". Afrikanistische Beiträge zum 65. Geburtstag von Franz Rottland. Köln: R. Köppe; 45-62

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Konerding, Klaus-Peter & Wiegand, Herbert Ernst 1994, "Framebasierte Wörterbuchartikel. Zur Systematisierung der lexikographischen Präsentation des Bedeutungswissens zu Substantiven." Lexicographica 10: 100-170

Moravcsik, Edith A. 1974, "[Rez. von Lehrer 1974]." General linguistics 17(2): 94-107

Rosén, Haiim B. 1984, "Zu Grundfragen der gotischen Lexikographie. Zwei Wortfeldstudien." Gschwantler, Otto & Rédei, Károly & Reichert, Hermann (eds.), Linguistica et philologica. Gedenkschrift für Björn Collinder (1894-1983). Wien: Universitäts-Verlagsbuchhandlung (Philologica Germanica, 6); 369-390

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lexical phonology

Aguado, Miquel & Dogil, Grzegorz 1989, "Clitics in lexical phonology: alleged counterevidence?" Linguistische Berichte 120: 99-116

lexical relation

García-Hernández, Benjamín 1985, "Lexemática junto a gramática latina: ¿por qué no?" Estudios Clásicos 27(89): 171-181

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Wandruszka, Ulrich 1989, "`Klassemisch' vs. `lexemisch'. Zwei Grundtypen sprachlicher Strukturbildung." Papiere zur Linguistik 41: 77-100

lexical semantics

Christoph, Ernst-Michael 1991, "Eigennamen als Bestandteile des Lexikons? - Ein Diskussionsbeitrag zur Semantikforschung in der Onomastik." Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung 44: 357-371

Eikmeyer, Hans-Jürgen & Rieser, Hannes 1981, "Meanings, intensions, and stereotypes. A new approach to linguistic semantics." Eikmeyer, Hans-Jürgen & Rieser, Hannes (eds.), Words, worlds, and contexts. New approaches in word semantics. Berlin & New York: W. de Gruyter; 133-150

García-Hernández, Benjamín 1991, "Considero. Propuestas etimológicas y contenido semántico." Cuadernos de Filología Clásica 87-98

Wiegand, Herbert E. 1999, "Mit Wittgenstein über die Wortbedeutung nachdenken. Gebrauch? Regel des Gebrauchs? Ein Etwas im Kopf?" Wiegand, Herbert E. (ed.), Sprache und Sprachen in den Wissenschaften. Geschichte und Gegenwart. Festschrift für Walter de Gruyter & Co. anläßlich einer 250jährigen Verlagstradition. Berlin & New York: W. de Gruyter; 404-461

lexical typology

Haspelmath, Martin 1993, "More on the typology of inchoative/causative verb alternations." Comrie, Bernard & Polinsky, Maria (eds.), Causatives and transitivity. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins (Studies in Language Companion Series, 23); 87-120

Lehmann, Christian 1990, "Lexically based typology." Proceedings of the International Congress of Linguists 14(3): 2388-2392

Lehmann, Christian 2012, "Converse categorization strategies." Koptjevskaja-Tamm, Maria & Vanhove, Martine (ed.), New directions in lexical typology. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter; 467-494

Lehmann, Christian 1990, "Towards lexical typology." Croft, William & Denning, Keith & Kemmer, Suzanne E. (eds.), Studies in typology and diachrony. Papers presented to Joseph H. Greenberg on his 75th birthday. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins (Typological Studies in Language, 20); 161-185

lexical universal

Mosel, Ulrike 1994, "Samoan." Goddard, Cliff & Wierzbicka, Anna (eds.), Semantic and lexical universals. Theory and empirical findings. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins (Studies in Language Companion Series, 25); 331-360


Givón, Talmy 1991, "Serial verbs and the mental reality of `event': Grammatical vs. cognitive packaging." Traugott, Elizabeth C. & Heine, Bernd (eds.), Approaches to grammaticalization. 2 vols. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins (Typological Studies in Language, 19); I: 81-128

Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. 2004, "Lexicalization and grammaticization: Opposite or orthogonal?" Bisang, Walter & Himmelmann, Nikolaus & Wiemer, Björn (eds.), What makes grammaticalization? A look from its components and its fringes. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter (Trends in Linguistics, 158); 21-42

Lehmann, Christian 1989, "Grammatikalisierung und Lexikalisierung." Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung 42: 11-19

Lehmann, Christian 2002, "New reflections on grammaticalization and lexicalization." Wischer, Ilse & Diewald, Gabriele (eds.), New reflections on grammaticalization. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins (Typological Studies in Language, 49); 1-18

Pawley, Andrew 1986, "Lexicalization." Tannen, Deborah & Alatis, J. (eds.), 1985 Goergetown University Roundtable on Languages and Linguistics. Washington: Georgetown University Press; 98-120

Premper, Waldfried 1988, "Zum Problem der lexikalischen Kausation (mit Daten aus dem Arabischen)." Arbeiten des Kölner Universalienprojekts 72: 29-62

Ramat, Paolo 1992, "Thoughts on degrammaticalization." Linguistics 30: 549-560

Ramat, Paolo 1987, "(Rand)bemerkungen über Morphologisierungs- und Entmorphologisierungsprozesse." Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung 40: 455-462

lexicographic definition

Weber, Nico 1992, "Morpho-semantische Wörterbuchdefinitionen." Sprache und Datenverarbeitung 16(2): 45-63

Wiegand, Herbert E. 1992, "Elements of a theory towards a so-called lexicographic definition." Lexicographica 8: 175-289

lexicographic macrostructure

Hausmann, Franz Josef & Wiegand, Herbert E. 1989, "Component parts and structures of general monolingual dictionaries: a survey." Hausmann, Franz Josef & Reichmann, Oskar & Wiegand, Herbert E. & Zgusta, Ladislav (eds.), Wörterbücher - Dictionaries - Dictionnaires. Ein internationales Handbuch zur Lexikographie ... Drei Teilbände. Berlin & New York: W. de Gruyter (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 5); 328-360

Wiegand, Herbert E. 1989, "Aspekte der Makrostruktur im allgemeinen einsprachigen Wörterbuch: alphabetische Anordnungsformen und ihre Probleme." Hausmann, Franz Josef & Reichmann, Oskar & Wiegand, Herbert E. & Zgusta, Ladislav (eds.), Wörterbücher - Dictionaries - Dictionnaires. Ein internationales Handbuch zur Lexikographie ... Drei Teilbände. Berlin & New York: W. de Gruyter (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 5); 371-409


Bläsi, Christoph & Koch, Heinz-Detlev & Lehr, Andrea & Wiegand, Herbert Ernst 1994, "Lexicographic standards and reusability - From metalexicographic description to a parsing procedure." Lexicographica 10: 221-248

Hausmann, Franz Josef et al. 1986, "The International Encyclopedia of Lexicography: an outline of the project." Lexicographica 2: 271-283

Konerding, Klaus-Peter & Wiegand, Herbert Ernst 1994, "Framebasierte Wörterbuchartikel. Zur Systematisierung der lexikographischen Präsentation des Bedeutungswissens zu Substantiven." Lexicographica 10: 100-170

Quemada, Bernard 1990, "Französisch: Lexikographie." Holtus, Günter & Metzeltin, Michael & Schmitt, Christian (eds.), Lexikon der Romanistischen Linguistik. Band V,1: Französisch. Tübingen: M. Niemeyer; 869-894

Swiggers, Pierre 1986, "Forme et sens dans la linguistique du siècle des lumières." Beiträge zur Romanischen Philologie 25: 143-147

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light verb

Askedal, John Ole 2012, "Norwegian 'get': A survey of its use in present-day Riksmål/Bokmål." Linguistics 50: 1289-1331

light verb construction

Butt, Miriam & Geuder, Wilhelm 2001, "On the (semi)lexical status of light verbs." Corver, Norbert & Riemsdijk, Henk C. van (eds.), Semi-lexical categories. The function of content words and the content of function words. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter (Studies in Generative Grammar, 59); 323-370

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Moreno Cabrera, Juan Carlos 1987, "Functional structure, word order typology and linearity." Lingua e Stile 22: 179-196


Levelt, Willem J.M. 1981, "The speaker's linearization problem." Phil. Transactions Royal Society of London 295: 305-315

line-break hyphenation

Dennison, Walter 1906, "Syllabification in Latin inscriptions." Classical Philology 1: 47-68

Mañas, José A. 1987, "Word division in Spanish." Communications of the ACM 30: 612-616

lingua franca

Ineichen, Gustav 1981, "La notion de langue franque (lingua franca)." ; 319-322

Rodrigues, Aryon Dall'Igna 1996, "As línguas gerais sul-americanas." Papia 4/2: 6-18

linguistic analysis

Jacobs, Joachim 1990, "Über Dualismen in der Grammatik." Papiere zur Linguistik 43(2): 75-99

Pike, Kenneth L. 1987, "The relation of language to the world." International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics 16: 77-98

linguistic area

Coseriu, Eugenio 1982, "Balkanismen oder Romanismen? Methodisches zum sog. "Balkansprachbund"." Heinz, Sieglinde & Wandruszka, Ulrich (eds.), Fakten und Theorien. Beiträge zur romanischen und allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft. Festschrift für Helmut Stimm zum 65. Geburtstag. Tübingen: G. Narr (Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik, 191); 37-43

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linguistic category

Lazard, Gilbert 1992, "Y a-t-il des catégories interlangagières?" Anschütz, Susanne R. (ed.), Texte, Sätze, Wörter und Moneme. Festschrift für Klaus Heger zum 65. Geburtstag. Heidelberg: Heidelberger Orientverlag; 427-434

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linguistic change

Bechert, Johannes 1982, "Abduktiver Wandel und Sprachkontakt." Welte, Werner (ed.), Sprachtheorie und angewandte Linguistik. Festschrift für Alfred Wollmann zum 60. Geburtstag. Tübingen: G. Narr (Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik, 195); 203-210

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Wurzel, Wolfgang U. 1984, "Zur Dialektik im Sprachsystem. Widerspruch - Motiviertheit - Sprachveränderung." Deutsch als Fremdsprache XX: 202-211

linguistic competence

Coseriu, Eugenio 1985, "Linguistic competence: what is it really?" The Modern Language Review 80: XXV-XXXV

Knapp, Karlfried & Lehmann, Christian 2006, "Sprachliche Kompetenz." Neurolinguistik 20: 81-98

Lehmann, Christian 2007, "Linguistic competence: Theory and empiry." Folia Linguistica 41: 223-278

Taylor, David S. 1988, "The meaning and use of the term ‘competence’ in linguistics and applied linguistics." Applied Linguistics 9(2): 148-168

linguistic complexity

Daneš, František 1991, "On linguistic strata (levels)." Theoretical Linguistics 17: 23-41

Knobloch, Clemens 1999, "Kategorisierung, grammatisch und mental." Redder, Angelika & Rehbein, Jochen (eds.), Grammatik und mentale Prozesse. Tübingen: Stauffenburg; 39-50

linguistic data

Iannàccaro, Gabriele 2000, "Per una semantica più puntuale del concetto di "dato linguistico": un tentativo di sistematizzazione epistemologica." Quaderni di Semantica 21(1): 51-79

Lehmann, Christian 2007, "Daten - Korpora - Dokumentation." Kallmeyer, Werner & Zifonun, Gisela (eds.), Sprachkorpora - Datenmengen und Erkenntnisfortschritt. Berlin & New York: W. de Gruyter (Institut für Deutsche Sprache - Jahrbuch, 2006); 9-27

linguistic data processing

Guenthner, Franz & Lehmann, Hubert 1986, "Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache - ein Überblick." Informatik-Spektrum 9: 162-173

linguistic ecology

Denison, Norman 1982, "A linguistic ecology for Europe?" Folia Linguistica 16: 5-15

Finke, Peter 1996, "Sprache als missing link zwischen natürlichen und kulturellen Ökosystemen." Fill, Alwin (ed.), Sprachökologie und Ökolinguistik. Referate des Symposions Sprachökologie und Ökolinguistik an der Universität Klagenfurt, 27.-28. Oktober 1995. Tübingen: Stauffenburg; 27-48

Wirrer, Jan 1996, "What is an endangered language?" Craith, Máiréad Nic (ed.), Watching one's tongue. Issues in language planning. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press (Liverpool Studies in European Regional Cultures); 231-264

linguistic form

Swiggers, Pierre 1985, "Catégories grammaticales et catégories culturelles dans la philosophie du langage de Humboldt: les implications de la «forme grammaticale»." Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung 38: 729-736

linguistic function

Lindgren, Kaj B. 1953, "Was ist Funktion?" Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 54: 305-310

linguistic level

Daneš, František 1991, "On linguistic strata (levels)." Theoretical Linguistics 17: 23-41

linguistic methodology

Agud, Ana 1991, "Der unwahrscheinliche Satz. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie des Beispiels." Kodikas / Code 14: 325-338

Budagov, Ruben A. 1972, "O predmete jazykoznanija." Izvestija Akademii Nauk SSSR 31: 401-412

Dixon, Robert M.W. 1992, "Naive linguistic explanation." Language in Society 21: 83-91

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Lehmann, Christian 2004, "Data in linguistics." The Linguistic Review 21: 175-210

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Simone, Raffaele 2001, "Sull'utilità e il danno della storia della linguistica." Massariello Merzagora, Giovanna (ed.), Storia del pensiero linguistico: linearità, fratture e circolarità. Atti del Convegno della Società Italiana di Glottologia, Verona, 11-13 novembre 1999. Roma: il Calamo; 45-67

linguistic minority

Giacalone Ramat, Anna 1982, "Le minoranze tedescofone al di fuori dell' Alto Adige." Sociologia della Comunicazione 1/2: 47-55

Harnisch, Rüdiger 1996, "Das Elsaß." Hinderling, Robert & Eichinger, Ludwig M. (eds.), Handbuch der mitteleuropäischen Sprachminderheiten. Tübingen: G. Narr; 413-457

linguistic model

Heger, Klaus 1985, "Sprachwissenschaftliche Positionen und Interdisziplinarität." Linguistische Berichte 100: 462-468

linguistic operation

Seiler, Hansjakob 1978, "Language as a mental operation." Leuvense Bijdragen 67: 257-265

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linguistic relatedness

Campbell, Lyle 1978, "Distant genetic relationship and diffusion: a Mesoamerican perspective." Actes du Congrès International des Américanistes 42(4): 595-605

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Manzelli, Gianguido 2003, "Arealità vs. parentela linguistica nella regione andina: un contributo esterno sul caso del quechumarano (quechua-aymarano)." ; 89-163

Plank, Frans 1981, "Geschichtlich verwandt - elementar verwandt - typologisch verwandt." Linguistische Berichte 74: 35-44

linguistic relativity

Franzen, Winfried 1995, "Die Sprache und das Denken. Zum Stand der Diskussion über den "linguistischen Relativismus"." Trabant, Jürgen (ed.), Sprache denken. Positionen aktueller Sprachphilosophie. Frankfurt/M: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag (Philosophie der Gegenwart); 249-268

Kienpointner, Manfred 1996, "Whorf and Wittgenstein. Language, world view and argumentation." Argumentation 10: 475-494

Kienpointner, Manfred 1998, "Sprachsystem, Sprachnorm, Sprachgebrauch und Weltbild. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Benjamin Lee Whorfs linguistischem Relativitätsprinzip." Holzer, Peter & Feyrer, Cornelia (eds.), Text, Sprache, Kultur. Frankfurt/M etc.: P. Lang; 87-107

linguistic sign

Daneš, František 1988, "Voraussetzungen und Konsequenzen von Bühlers Prinzip der abstraktiven Relevanz." Eschbach, Achim (ed.), Karl Bühler's theory of language. Proceedings of the conferences held at Kirchberg, August 26, 1984 and Essen, November 21-24, 1984. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins (Viennese Heritage, 2); 193-201

Heger, Klaus 1987, "Von Dreiecken, Trapezen und anderen Polygonen." Lüdi, Georges et al. (eds.), Romania ingeniosa. Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Gerold Hilty zum 60. Geburtstag. Bern etc.: P. Lang; 421-442

Waugh, Linda R. 1984, "Some remarks on the nature of the linguistic sign." Pelc, Jerzy & Sebeok, Thomas A. & Stankiewicz, Edward & Winner, Thomas G. (eds.), Sign, system and function. Papers of the first and second Polish-American semiotics colloquia. Berlin: Mouton (Approaches to semiotics, 67); 389-438

Wurzel, Wolfgang U. 1984, "Zur Dialektik im Sprachsystem. Widerspruch - Motiviertheit - Sprachveränderung." Deutsch als Fremdsprache XX: 202-211

linguistic terminology

Andersen, Paul K. 1989, "Remarks on the origin of the term `passive'." Lingua 79: 1-16

Lehmann, Christian 1996, "Linguistische Terminologie als relationales Netz." Knobloch, Clemens & Schaeder, Burkhard (eds.), Nomination - fachsprachlich und gemeinsprachlich. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag (Sprachwissenschaft); 215-267

Lehmann, Christian 2007, "On the upgrading of grammatical concepts." Moerdijk, Fons & Santen, Ariane van & Tempelaars, Rob (eds.), Leven met woorden. Opstellen aangeboden aan Piet van Sterkenburg ... Leiden: Instituut voor Nederlandse Lexicologie; 409-422

Walmsley, John B. 1988, "The Sonnenschein v. Jespersen controversy." Fries, Udo & Heusser, Martin (eds.), Meaning and beyond. Ernst Leisi zum 70. Geburtstag. Tübingen: G. Narr; 253-281

linguistic turn

Loetz, Francisca 2003, "Sprache in der Geschichte. Linguistic Turn vs. Pragmatische Wende." Rechtsgeschichte 2: 87-103

linguistic usage

Kienpointner, Manfred 1998, "Sprachsystem, Sprachnorm, Sprachgebrauch und Weltbild. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Benjamin Lee Whorfs linguistischem Relativitätsprinzip." Holzer, Peter & Feyrer, Cornelia (eds.), Text, Sprache, Kultur. Frankfurt/M etc.: P. Lang; 87-107

Schmid, Hans-Jörg 2015, "A blueprint for the Entrenchment-and-Conventionalization Model." Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association 3: 3-25

Waugh, Linda R. & Monville-Burston, Monique 1986, "Aspect and discourse function: the French simple past in newspaper usage." Language 62: 846-877

linguistic variation

Gimeno Menéndez, Francisco 1990, "De sociolingüística histórica: en torno a los orígenes del español." Moreno Fernández, Francisco (ed.), Estudios sobre variación lingüística. Alcalá de Henares: [s.ed.]; 89-102

Henn-Memmesheimer, Beate 2002, "Grammatikalisierungen in verschiedenen Diskurstraditionen." Breindl, Eva & Gunkel, Lutz & Strecker, Bruno (eds.), Grammatische Untersuchungen. Gisela Zifonun zum 60. Geburtstag. Tübingen: G. Narr (Studien zur Deutschen Sprache, 36); 533-551

Lehmann, Christian 1990, "Strategien der Situationsperspektion." Sprachwissenschaft 16: 1-26

Seiler, Hansjakob 1991, "Invariance and variation: the dimensional model of language universals." Waugh, Linda R. & Rudy, Stephen (eds.), New vistas in grammar: invariance and variation. Proceedings of the Second International Roman Jakobson Conference, New York University, Nov. 5-8, 1985. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 49); 437-449

Simone, Raffaele 2006, "Idiomas locales y nacionales: Dinámicas y fenómenos nuevos." Narbona, Antonio (ed.), El habla andaluza. Diversidad y homogeneidad del andaluz. Sevilla: Ayuntamiento de Estepa (Actas Jornadas sobre el habla andaluza, 3); 34-51

Swiggers, Pierre 1986, "La linguistique historique devant la variation: le cas de Meillet." Recherches sur le Français Parlé 7: 61-74


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Bechert, Johannes 1983, "Nachrichten über eine `ausgestorbene' Wissenschaft: Auszüge aus Briefen von Ernst Lewy." Papiere zur Linguistik 28: 77-82

Campbell, Lyle 1978, "Quichean linguistics and philology." McCormack, William C. & Wurm, Stephen A. (eds.), World anthropology. Approaches to language, anthropological issues. The Hague: Mouton; 223-233

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Dixon, Robert M.W. 1982, "Publications on Australian languages, 1981." Australian Journal of Linguistics 2: 223-226

Drews, Jörg & Lehmann, Christian 1991, "Vorwort." Drews, Jörg & Lehmann, Christian (eds.), Dialog ohne Grenzen. Beiträge zum Bielefelder Kolloquium zur Lage von Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft in der ehemaligen DDR. Bielefeld: Aisthesis (Bielefelder Schriften zu Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft, 1); 7-10

Hudson, Richard A. 1981, "Some issues on which linguistics can agree." Journal of Linguistics 17: 333-343

Lastra, Yolanda 2001, "Linguistics." Carrasco, Davíd (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican cultures. The civilizations of Mexico and Central America. Three vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2: 123-130

Lastra, Yolanda 1992, "Estudios antiguos y modernos sobre la lengua otomí." Anales de Antropología 29: 453-490

Lubas, Wladyslaw 1979, "The object of linguistics." Linguistica Silesiana 3: 7-12

Pinkster, Harm 1986, "De stand van zaken in de Latijnse taalkunde." Lampas 19: 115-124

Ramat, Paolo 1982, "Preface." Historiographia Linguistica 9: 233-235

Ramat, Paolo 1991, "Storia e funzione della Società Italiana di Glottologia." Società di Linguistica Italiana 29: 37-48

Ramat, Paolo 1982, "Giacomo Devoto (1898-1974). The man and his work." Historiographia Linguistica 9: 495-513

Rosén, Hannah 1996, "Introduction." Rosén, Hannah (ed.), Aspects of Latin. Papers from the Seventh International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, Jerusalem, April 1993. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft, 86); 11-16

Swiggers, Pierre 1989, "Linguistics." Barnouw, Erik et al. (eds.), International encyclopedia of communications. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press; Philadelphia: The Annenberg School of Communications, University of Pennsylvania; 431-436

Swiggers, Pierre 1989, "Linguistique générale et linguistique romane chez Hugo Schuchardt." Actes du Congrès International de Linguistique et Philologie Romane 18(VII): 87-91

Swiggers, Pierre 1987, "Les langues amérindiennes dans l'oeuvre linguistique de Joseph Vendryes." Anthropos 82: 271-274

Swiggers, Pierre 1989, "Philologie (romane) et linguistique." Actes du Congrès International de Linguistique et Philologie Romane 18(VII): 231-242

Swiggers, Pierre 1989, "Chronique de linguistique générale et française (I)." Travaux de Linguistique 18: 139-156

linguistics vs literary studies

Finke, Peter 1984, "Konstruktive Selbstthematisierung." Finke, Peter & Schmidt, Siegfried J. (eds.), Analytische Literaturwissenschaft. Braunschweig & Wiesbaden: Vieweg; 9-40

linguistics vs neighbouring disciplines

Coseriu, Eugenio 1980, "Interdisciplinarità e linguaggio." Braga, ? et al., L'accostamento interdisciplinare allo studio del linguaggio. Milano: Franco Angeli; 43-65

Hockett, Charles F. 1948, "Biophysics, linguistics, and the unity of science." American Scientist 36: 558-572

Sapir, Edward 1929, "The status of linguistics as a science." Language 5: 207-214

linguistics vs philology

Lehmann, Winfred P. 1984, "Philology to linguistics: constructive to literary study." South Central Review 1: 131-140

linguistics vs philosophy

Pike, Kenneth L. 1987, "The relation of language to the world." International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics 16: 77-98

linguistics vs. Rhetorics

Kienpointner, Manfred 2001, "Linguistics." Sloane, Thomas O. (ed.), Encylopedia of rhetoric. Oxford etc.: Oxford University Press; 426-449


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local adverb

Hettrich, Heinrich 1991, "Syntax und Wortarten der Lokalpartikeln des Rgveda. I: ádhi." Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 52: 27-76

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local case

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local complement

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local preposition

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local relator

García-Hernández, Benjamín 1991, "Submitto en la lengua agrícola." Excerpta Philologica 1(1): 235-257

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logic vs grammar

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logical grammars

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logical semantics

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machine-aided translation

Dorr, Bonnie J. 1993, "Interlingual machine translation: a parameterized approach." Artificial Intelligence 63: 429-492


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main constituent order

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meaning-text model

Hartenstein, Klaus 1988, "Wie `wohlgeformt' ist das Konzept der sprachlichen Wohlgeformtheit von Texten im `Smysl <-> Tekst'-Modell?" Raecke, Jochen (ed.), Slavistische Linguistik 1987. Referate des XIII. Konstanzer Slavistischen Arbeitstreffens, Tübingen 22.-25.9.1987. München: Otto Sagner; 120-160

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medial verb

Haiman, John 1987, "On some origins of medial verb morphology in Papuan languages." Studies in Language 11: 347-364

medial verb form

Haiman, John 1987, "On some origins of medial verb morphology in Papuan languages." Studies in Language 11: 347-364

medical vocabulary

Pino Campos, Luis Miguel 2004, "El léxico esfígmico antiguo y su pervivencia en nuestros días." López Férez, A (ed.), La lengua científica griega. 3 vols. Madrid: Ed. Clásicas; III: 209-238

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Menzerath's law

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methodology of universals research

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migratory word

Wu, Tieping 1985, "Geographical distribution of words: significance for etymological research." Social Sciences in China 4: 209-218

minority language

Giacalone Ramat, Anna 1979, "Language function and language change in minority languages." Journal of Italian Linguistics(2) 141-162

modal particle

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modal verb

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morpheme border

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morphological analysis

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morphological change

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Wurzel, Wolfgang U. 1985, "Morphologische Natürlichkeit und morphologischer Wandel. Zur Vorhersagbarkeit von Sprachveränderungen." Proceedings of the International Conference on Historical Linguistics 6: 587-599

morphological complexity

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morphological markedness

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morphological naturalness

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morphological polarity

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morphological relation

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morphological structure

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morphological technique

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morphological typology

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morphology vs syntax

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morphosemantic transparency

Seiler, Hansjakob 1978, "Language as a mental operation." Leuvense Bijdragen 67: 257-265

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morphosyntactic type

Kurzová, Helena 1985, "Zum Typus des Altgriechischen." Listy Filologické 108: 3-13

morphosyntactic typology

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Dressler, Wolfgang U. & Doleschal, Ursula 1990, "Gender agreement via derivational morphology." Acta Linguistica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 40(1/2): 115-137

motion verb

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motivation of language sign

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natural morphology

Dressler, Wolfgang U. 1984, "Subtraction in word formation and its place within a theory of natural morphology." Quaderni di Semantica 5(1): 78-85

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natural phonology

Dressler, Wolfgang U. 1987, "Semiotische Grundlagen einer Theorie der Natürlichen Phonologie und Morphologie." Bernard, Jeff (ed.), Semiotica Austriaca. Angewandte Semiotik 9, 10. Wien: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Semiotik; 165-172


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nominal agreement

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nominal category

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nominal classification

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nominal clause

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nominal composition

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nominal derivation

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nominal number

Nübling, Damaris 2006, "Zur Entstehung und Struktur ungebändigter Allomorphie: Pluralbildungsverfahren im Luxemburgischen." ; 107-125

nominal style

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nominal tense

Bertinetto, Pier Marco 2020, "On nominal tense." Linguistic Typology 24: 000-000

nominal valency

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nonfinite construction

Leys, Odo 1983, "Kohärenz-Infinitive oder Infinitive der Unmittelbarkeit." Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 84: 87-93

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nontransformative predicate

François, Jacques 1998, "Über die Prägnanz der intransformativen Prädikationen im Deutschen und die Polysemie von halten." Dalmas, Martine & Sauter, Roger (eds.), Grenzsteine und Wegweiser. Textgestaltung, Redesteuerung und formale Zwänge. Festschrift für Marcel Pérennec zum 60. Geburtstag. Tübingen: Stauffenburg (Eurogermanistik); 195-206

nonverbal clause

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Wierzbicka, Anna 1986, "What's in a noun? (Or: How do nouns differ in meaning from adjectives?)." Studies in Language 10: 353-389

noun class

Bichakjian, Bernard H. 1990, "From family tree to phylogeny." Proceedings of the International Congress of Linguists 14(3): 2446-2452

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noun incorporation

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noun phrase

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noun s.l.

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noun vs verb

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nucleus vs satellite

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number system

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numeral classification

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numeral classifier

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nursery language

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object complement

Schultze-Berndt, Eva & Himmelmann, Nikolaus P. 2004, "Depictive secondary predicates in crosslinguistic perspective." Linguistic Typology 8: 59-131


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oblique case

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onomasiology vs. semasiology

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origin of language

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orthographic variation

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orthography formation

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orthography reform

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paradigmatics vs. syntagmatics

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parameter of comparison

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part of speech

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partial coreference

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participant-oriented adjunct

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participle active

Luraghi, Silvia 1998, "On the directionality of grammaticalization." Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung 51: 355-365

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participle passive

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part-whole relation

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passive construction

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periphrastic conjugation

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periphrastic diathesis

Lehmann, Christian & Pinto de Lima, José & Soares, Rute 2010, "Periphrastic voice with 'see' in Portuguese." Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 42(1): 75-100

periphrastic future

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periphrastic passive

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periphrastic perfect

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personal affix

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personal pronoun

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philosophy of language

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phoneme system

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phonological analysis

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phonological change

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phonological feature

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phonological markedness

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phonological process

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phonological representation

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phonological rule

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phonological structure

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phonological typology

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phonological universal

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phonological variation

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phoric control

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planned language

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pleonastic morphology

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political language

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possessive adjective

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possessive affix

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possessive classifier

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possessive compound

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possessive dative

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possessive predication

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possessive pronoun

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possessive suffix

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pragmatic turn

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Prague School

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predicate class

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predicate complement

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prefixal negation

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privative opposition

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procedural discourse analysis

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pronominal binding

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proper name

Knobloch, Clemens 1992, "Eigennamen als Unterklasse der Nomina und in der Technik des Sprechens." Sprachwissenschaft 17: 451-473

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propositional act

Sasse, Hans-Jürgen 1987, "The thetic/categorical distinction revisited." Linguistics 25: 511-580

propositional attitude

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prosodic phonology

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prototype semantics

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prototype theory

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psychological reality of grammar

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psychology of language

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purpose clause

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quantitative language typology

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quantitative morphology

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quantitative phonological typology

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quantitative phonology

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reference tracking

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reflexive construction

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reflexive pronoun

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reflexive verb

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regular correspondence

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relative chronology

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relative clause

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relative clause, syntactic function of nucleus

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relative pronoun

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restrictive vs appositive relative clause

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right dislocation

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ritual communication

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role and reference grammar

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root structure

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Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

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school grammar

Eisenberg, Peter 2004, "Wieviel Grammatik braucht die Schule?" Didaktik Deutsch 17: 4-25

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second language acquisition

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second language didactics

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segmental strength

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selectional restriction

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semantic change

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semantic complexity

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semantic generalization

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semantic markedness

Kiefer, Ferenc 1990, "Hungarian derivational morphology, semantic complexity, and semantic markedness." Sag, Ivan A. & Szabolcsi, Anna (eds.), Lexical matters. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press; 183-208

semantic relation

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semantic role

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semantic universals

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semasiology vs onomasiology

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sentence adverb

Ramat, Paolo 1994, "Osservazioni sugli avverbi di frase." Cipriano, Palmira (ed.), Miscellanea di studi linguistici in onore di Walter Belardi. Roma: il Calamo; 897-915

sentence adverbial

Rosén, Hannah 1997, "Irish attitudinal expression: adverbs and other structures." Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 49/50: 784-805

sentence comprehension

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sentence stress

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sentence type

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separable verb

Booij, Geert E. 1990, "The boundary between morphology and syntax: separable complex verbs in Dutch." Yearbook of Morphology 3: 45-63

setting of language

Quesada Pacheco, Miguel Ángel 2013, "Estado de la lengua cabécar en el poblado de San Rafael de Cañas, Buenos Aires (Puntarenas)." Estudios de Lingüística Chibcha 32: 153-207

shading particle

Kawashima, Atsuo 1989, "Textsorte und Partikeln im Japanischen und Deutschen." Weydt, Harald (ed.), Sprechen mit Partikeln. Berlin & New York: W. de Gruyter; 276-281

signified vs. denotatum

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signifier vs signified

Haiman, John 1980, "The iconicity of grammar: isomorphism and motivation." Language 56: 515-540


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situation classification

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situation semantics

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social equivalence

Wiegand, Herbert E. 2002, "Zur Äquivalenz in der zweisprachigen Lexikographie. Kritik und Vorschläge." Germanistische Linguistik 166: 93-110

social relevance of linguistics

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sound change

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sound law

François, Jacques 2014, "Deux controverses linguistiques apparentées à un siècle de distance, ou comment un questionnement scientifique réapparaît sous un nouvel habillage." Revue de Linguistique Romane 2: 1-23

Touratier, Christian 1988, "Le problème des «lois phonétiques»." Travaux du Cercle Linguistique d'Aix-en-Provence 6: 133-162

sound symbolism

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sound word

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space construction

Hofling, Charles A. 1993, "Marking space and time in Itzaj Maya narrative." Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 3: 164-184

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spatial deixis

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spatial orientation

Brown, Penelope & Levinson, Stephen C. 1992, "'Left' and 'right' in Tenejapa: Investigating a linguistic and conceptual gap." Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung 45: 590-611

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spatial relation

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specialized dictionary

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specialized lexicography

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speech act

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speech error

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speech production

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speech production vs speech recognition

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speech recognition

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speech reproduction

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speech situation

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split ergativity

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spoken vs written language

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standard language

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stative verb

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status of language

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structural linguistics

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structural semantics

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structural vs. functional grammar

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subject complement

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subject pronoun

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submorphemic unit

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subordinate clause

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suffix resumption

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switch reference

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syllabic phonology

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syllable structure

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synchrony vs diachrony

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syntactic analysis

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syntactic category

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syntactic change

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syntactic construction

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syntactic correlation

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syntactic function

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syntactic function of relative-clause nucleus

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syntactic iconicity

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syntactic markedness

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syntactic reanalysis

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syntactic reconstruction

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syntactic relation

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syntactic structure

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syntactic tagging

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syntactic type

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syntactic typology

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system of grammatical relations

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tasks of linguistics

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teenage slang

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temporal adverbial

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temporal deixis

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text comprehension

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text grammar

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text linguistics

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text structure

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theory of grammar

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theory of language

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theory of linguistic change

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theory of linguistics

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Thomas of Erfurt

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time metaphor

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topic continuity

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total reduplication

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transformation rule

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transitive verb

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translation theory

Agud, Ana 1992/3, "Übersetzung und Sprachwissenschaft." Beckmann, Frank & Heyer, Gerhard (eds.), Theorie und Praxis des Lexikons. Berlin & New York: W. de Gruyter; 109-129

Hagège, Claude 1988, "Translating, the linguist and the meeting of cultures." Diogenes 137: 26-38

typological convergence

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typological methodology

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Lehmann, Christian & Shin, Yong-Min & Verhoeven, Elisabeth 2000, "Zur interlingualen Ebene in der typologischen Analyse." Göttinger Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft 3: 57-71

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universal grammar

Coopmans, Peter 1984, "Surface word-order typology and universal grammar." Language 60: 55-69

Dezso, László 1987, "Universal'naja grammatika i škola A.A. Xolodovica." Voprosy Jazykoznanija 36(5): 115-126

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Lombardi Vallauri, Edoardo 2004, "The relation between mind and language: The Innateness Hypothesis and the Poverty of the Stimulus." The Linguistic Review 21: 345-387

universals research

Brettschneider, Gunter 1980, "Sprachtypologie und linguistische Universalienforschung." Studium Linguistik 8: 1-31

Lazard, Gilbert 2002, "Transitivity revisited as an example of a more strict approach in typological research." Folia Linguistica 36: 141-190

Lehmann, Christian 1985, "Hansjakob Seilers Universalienforschung." Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 4: 225-241

Seiler, Hansjakob 1993, "Der UNITYP-Ansatz zur Universalienforschung und Typologie." Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung 46: 163-186

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Hagège, Claude 1979, "Three viewpoints on the organization of linguistic utterances." LACUS 6: 68-77


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Pottier, Bernard 1987, "Seconde intervention." Quaderni di Semantica 8: 306-310

valence conversion

García-Hernández, Benjamin 1998, "Diathèse et aspect verbal dans les structures lexicales." Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 93(1): 211-228

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Abraham, Werner 1982, "Heuristic problems concerning the identification of grammatical relations: the case of Westgermania (Dutch-English-German)." Communication and Cognition 15: 307-331

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Carvalho, Paulo de 1978, "Syntaxe et sémantique: verbe et phrase en latin." Revue des Études Anciennes 80: 239-247

Hagège, Claude 1983, "Pour un retour d'exil des périphériques." Modèles linguistiques 5: 3-16

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Lehmann, Christian 1992, "Valenz." Anschütz, Susanne R. (ed.), Texte, Sätze, Wörter und Moneme. Festschrift für Klaus Heger zum 65. Geburtstag. Heidelberg: Heidelberger Orientverlag; 435-454

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valency class

Lehmann, Christian 2015, "Situation types, valency frames and operations." Malchukov, Andrej & Comrie, Bernard (eds.), Valency classes in the world’s languages. Volume 1: Introducing the framework, and case studies from Africa and Eurasia. Volume 2: Case studies from Austronesia, the Pacific, the Americas, and theoretical outlook. Berlin & Boston, Mass.: de Gruyter Mouton (Comparative Handbooks of Linguistics, 1); 2: 1547-1596

valency dictionary

Zöfgen, Ekkehard 1989, "Valenzlexikographie auf neuen Wegen." Lexicographica 5: 209-220

valency operation

Dik, Simon C. 1985, "Valentie en valentie-operaties in funktionele grammatika." Tijdschrift voor Taalwetenschap 5: 95-114

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valency reduction

Dik, Simon C. 1985, "Formal and semantic adjustment of derived constructions." Bolkestein, A. Machtelt et al. (eds.), Predicates and terms in functional grammar. Dordrecht & Cinnaminson: Foris (Functional Grammar Series, 2); 1-28

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valency theory

Lehmann, Christian 2015, "Situation types, valency frames and operations." Malchukov, Andrej & Comrie, Bernard (eds.), Valency classes in the world’s languages. Volume 1: Introducing the framework, and case studies from Africa and Eurasia. Volume 2: Case studies from Austronesia, the Pacific, the Americas, and theoretical outlook. Berlin & Boston, Mass.: de Gruyter Mouton (Comparative Handbooks of Linguistics, 1); 2: 1547-1596


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Touratier, Christian 1983, "Définition du verbe (à propos de l'indonésien et du malgache)." Travaux du Cercle Linguistique d'Aix-en-Provence 1: 179-199

verb class

Breu, Walter 1985, "Handlungsgrenzen als Grundlage der Verbklassifikation." Lehfeldt, Werner (ed.), Slavistische Linguistik 1984. München: Otto Sagner; 9-34

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verb serialization

Bisang, Walter 1998, "Verb serialization and attractor positions: constructions and their potential impact on language change and language contact." Kulikov, Leonid I. & Vater, Heinz (eds.), Typology of verbal categories. Papers presented to Vladimir Nedjalkov on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Tübingen: M. Niemeyer (Linguistische Arbeiten, 382); 255-271

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verb syntax

Hale, Kenneth L. 1991, "Misumalpan verb sequencing constructions." Lefebvre, Claire (ed.), Serial verbs. Grammatical, comparative, and cognitive approaches. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins (SSLS, 8); 1-35

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verbal agreement

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verbal category

Kurzová, Helena 1990, "Die indogermanischen Grundlagen des lateinischen Verbalsystems." Listy Filologické 119: 90-103

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verbal compounding

Benveniste, Emile 1966, "Convergences typologiques." L'homme 6(2): 5-12 (Benveniste 1974:103-112)

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Dixon, Robert M.W. 1982, "The grammar of English phrasal verbs." Australian Journal of Linguistics 2: 1-42

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verbal derivation

Eroms, Hans-Werner 1989, "Zum Verbalpräfix ge- bei Wolfram von Eschenbach." Gärtner, Kurt & Heinzle, Joachim (eds.), Studien zu Wolfram von Eschenbach. Festschrift für Werner Schröder zum 75. Geburtstag. Tübingen: M. Niemeyer; 19-32

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verbal morphology

Touratier, Christian 1997, "Propositions pour une analyse morphématique du verbe arabe." Travaux du Cercle Linguistique d'Aix-en-Provence 14: 121-134

Touratier, Christian 1997, "Description morphologique comparée du verbe." Travaux du Cercle Linguistique d'Aix-en-Provence 14: 11-44

verbal noun

Booij, Geert E. 1991, "Morphology, semantics and argument structure." Roca, Iggy (ed.), Thematic structure. Its role in grammar. Dordrecht: Foris; -

Jeffers, Robert J. 1978, "Old Irish verbal-nouns." Ériu 29: 1-12

Lombardi Vallauri, Edoardo 2003, "Noms «verbaux»: le cas du japonais." Brion, Cécile & Castagne, Éric (eds.), Nom et verbe: catégorisation et référence. Reims: Presses Universitaires de Reims (Recherches en Linguistique et Psychologie Cognitive, 18); 161-187

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verbal periphrasis

Freundlich-Amit, Raphael 1988, "Ékho eipeîn. Some notes on a periphrastic construction in Greek." Societatis Linguisticae Europaeae Sodalicium Israelense 5: I-VI

verbal plurality

Tiffou, Étienne 1995, "La notion de pluralité verbale: le cas du bourouchaski du Yasin." Journal Asiatique 282: 407-444

verbal stem formation

Panagl, Oswald 2002, "Ein Verbum - drei Perfektstämme. Zur Morphologie von lateinisch pango." Fritz, Matthias & Zeilfelder, Susanne (eds.), Novalis Indogermanica. Festschrift für Günther Neumann zum 80. Geburtstag. Graz: Leykam; 349-355

verbal valency

Askedal, John Ole 1998, "Satzmustervariation und Hilfsverbproblematik beim deutschen Verb scheinen." Donhauser, Karin & Eichinger, Ludwig M. (eds.), Deutsche Grammatik - Thema in Variationen. Festschrift für Hans-Werner Eroms zum 60. Geburtstag. Heidelberg: C. Winter; 49-74

Kienpointner, Manfred 1995, "Sentence patterns in Latin and German: a contrastive analysis." Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics 30: 65-84

Oesterreicher, Wulf 1991, "Verbvalenz und Informationsstruktur." Koch, Peter & Krefeld, Thomas (eds.), Connexiones Romanicae. Dependenz und Valenz in romanischen Sprachen. Tübingen: M. Niemeyer (Linguistische Arbeiten, 268); 349-384

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verb-stem suppletion

Rosén, Hannah 2000, "Preclassical and Classical Latin precursors of Romance verb-stem suppletion." Indogermanische Forschungen 105: 270-283


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Campbell, Lyle & Langacker, Ronald W. 1978, "Proto-Aztecan vowels." International Journal of American Linguistics 44: 85-102; 197-210; 262-279

vowel harmony

Booij, Geert E. 1984, "Neutral vowels and the autosegmental analysis of Hungarian vowel harmony." Linguistics 22: 629-641

Campbell, Lyle 1980, "The psychological and sociological reality of Finnish vowel harmony." Vago, Robert M. (ed.), Issues in vowel harmony. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins (Studies in Language Companion Series, 6); 245-270

vowel reduction

Haiman, John 1972, "Phonological targets and unmarked structures." Language 48: 365-377

vowel system

Kaye, Jonathan et al. 1985, "The internal structure of phonological elements: a theory of charm and government." Phonology Yearbook 2: 305-328

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Valdman, Albert 1969, "Les tâches fondamentales en linguistique appliquée." Colloque Canadien de Linguistique Appliquée 1: 112-133

Wackernagel's law

Luraghi, Silvia 1990, "Osservazioni sulla Legge di Wackernagel e la posizione del verbo nelle lingue indoeuropee." Conte, Maria-Elisabeth & Giacalone Ramat, Anna & Ramat, Paolo (eds.), Dimensioni della linguistica. Milano: Franco Angeli (Materiali Linguistici, 1); 31-60

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wh-question vs focus

Rouquier, Magali 2002, "Les interrogatives en 'qui/qu'est-ce qui/que' en ancien français et en moyen français." Cahiers de grammaire 27: 97-120

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wh-question vs relative clause

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word formation

Bossong, Georg 1984, "[ Rez. Wandruszka 1982 ]." Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie 100: 499-504

Coseriu, Eugenio 1974, "Les universaux linguistiques (et les autres)." Proceedings of the International Congress of Linguists 11(1): 47-73 (Dt.: Schlieben-Lange (ed.) 1975:127-161. Engl.: Makkai et al. (eds.) 1977:317-346. Span.: Coseriu 1978:148-205)

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word frequency

Fenk-Oczlon, Gertraud 1989, "Word frequency and word order in freezes." Linguistics 27: 517-556

word history

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word order

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word order change

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word order typology

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word stress

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writing system

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