The static or dynamic local relations with the reference point Nd are coded by verbs in Mandarin. shows this for a specific static relation.

 a picture hangs on the wall(Li & Thompson 1989:822)

At the same time, the spatial region Nd/h is represented by the relational noun shàng, which takes Nd as its complement and as the determinans of a nominal compound.

The verb 在 zài (be.LOC) is the most general verb of a location at rest and functions as a full verb with the meaning ‘be [at Nd]’ in .

Where is he?(Wiktionary s.v. 在)

There are two constructions in which zài combines with the core verb of a clause. In the first, it precedes the core verb as a coverb with a purely locative function (Li & Thompson 1981:356; ).

Mr. Li studies French in Shanghai.(Prince 2012 :6)

In the second construction, the syntagma [zài Nd] follows the core verb, which may even be a positional verb. The syntagma specifies the place of the position like a prepositional phrase ().

 He is lying in bed reading a book.

In this function, zài is grammaticalized to a locative preposition. It is yet at an intermediate stage of grammaticalization. For instance, it is not fully obligatory in locative constructions, as it is not needed, e.g., in .