The complement of a postposition (N in the diagram) may, in general, be of any of the following categories:
pronoun (E20)
lexical noun or NP (E7)
clause (E21)
E20 | bá | kä́i | | equ | |
‘like you’ |
E21 | I | w-ó̱ | yís | te | i | sh-ë́=ké̱ | kä́i ! |
3 | do-sbj | [ | erg | 3 | say-ipfv=ipfv2] | equ | |
‘Do as I say !’ |
Case relator takes coordinative complement ?
Yes. A coordinative noun phrase may be governed by one postposition.
E22 | i | kt-á̱=wa̱ | i | te | bák | irä | tebélí | irä | wa |
3 | tie-pfv=tot | 3 | erg | [ axe | crd | knife | crd ] | instr | |
‘he killed him with an axe or with a knife’ |
Case relator takes clausal complement?
Case relator is copied on subconstituents of NP?
Apart from a few lexicalized cases, postpositions have no alternate use as adverbs.
Case relator governs case ?
Case relator syntagma can be split by intervening material?
E23 | a. | ká | yís | kuta | te | dí | y-ë́ | tá̱i̱ |
neg | | male's.sister | erg | liquor | drink-ipfv | big | ||
‘my sister does not drink much corn drink’ | ||||||||
b. | yís | kuta | ká | te | dí | y-ë́ | tá̱i̱ | |
c. | yís | kuta | te | ká | dí | y-ë́ | tá̱i̱ |
E24 | Yís | te | yäk-ä-klä | älí-w-á̱ | bás | kjë́la=bä | i̱a̱. | | erg | dine-vsn-fin | cook-caus-pfv | | only=lim | dat | |
‘I cooked food just only for you.’ |
Complement can be left-dislocated and taken up by intercalated resumptive?
Yes. Optionally, the Medial Demonstrative jé anaphorically takes up a left-dislocated topic, even the complement of a postposition immediately preceding it.
E25 | yë́ria | (jé) | da |
hunter | | com | |
‘with the hunter’ |
Case relators can be coordinated while sharing their complement?
E26 | ják | bata | kí̱ | jé | =ja̱mi̱ | i | ni̱kí̱ | ka |
stone | tip | sup | | =ad | 3 | bottom | lat | |
‘on and under the stone’ |
E27 | Shára | wa | irä=le | Shára | ska | irä=le | | per | crd=dub | | loc | crd=dub | |
‘near or in Grano de Oro [toponym]’ |
Position of case relator vis-à-vis complement varies?