Table 8: Non-local postpositions based on nouns
form structure meaning
bala=na̱ interior=in during N
kju̱é̱i̱=kí̱ restriction=sup because of N
tä́rí=wa track=per instead of N
tsá̱=ta top=ppv (more) than N
wä́=na̱ face=in to N(‘s mind)
E18 Yís m-á̱=ju tuwína̱ bala =na̱. go-prog=am night interior =in
‘I am going during the night.’ (s.d.)
E19 Yís yaba m-á̱ yís tä́rí =wa. child go-prog track =per
‘My son is going in my stead.’

As already observed for primitive postpositions,
these complex postpositions undergo metaphorical extension of their basic local meaning.

The similative postposition sú̱ta (E5), listed as primitive in Table 5, is etymologically denominal,
as it is ta ppv governing some nominal form of su̱a̱ 'see',
thus ‘having the view (appearance) of N’.