- Stems are lexically categorized as verb stems.
- There is no regular derivational process dedicated to adding or blocking an actor or undergoer argument slot.
- Many of the alternations in question are purely lexical.
- Many of the bases in question are transitive and can be detransitivized by inflectional or syntactic means.
- Verbal relationality is not coded morphologically.
Lehmann, Christian 2002, "Latin valency in typological perspective." Bolkestein, A. Machtelt & Kroon, Caroline H.M. & Pinkster, Harm & Remmelink, H. Wim & Risselada, Rodie (eds.), Theory and description in Latin linguistics. Selected papers from the XIth International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, Amsterdam June 24-29, 2001. Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben; 183-203.